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Glossary of Social Studies Terms<br > Acculturation The process of borrowing between cultures, especially on the part of a<br > less developed culture from a more developed culture, resulting in new patterns. Unlike<br > diffusion, it usually refers to borrowings that occur under pressure, such as the intro-<br > duction of Catholicism into Spanish-conquered Latin America in the 1500s. See<br > Diffusion.<br > Adaptation The process whereby populations change on an on-going basis in<br > response to alterations in their environments.<br > Affirmative action Policies designed to incorporate ethnic and racial minorities,<br > including women, into political, economic, and social institutions. First use of the term<br > was in 1961 in an executive order issued by President John F. Kennedy.<br > Agrihusin~ss Large-scale production, processing and marketing of food and nonfood<br > farm commodities and products. Agribusiness is a major commercial business.<br > California has the largest concentration of agribusiness in the United States.<br >Animism The religious belief that views inanimate objects such as trees and moun-<br >taias as possessing supernatural forces. Together with ancestor worship it appears to<br >have been the "first religion" of people all over the world.<br >Anthropology The social science that studies biological and cultural variations in<br >human populations.<br >Archeology The branch of anthropology or history that examines the remains of pre-<br >historic cultures, that is, cultures for which there are no remaining written records and<br >which thus can be known only through an examination of their material remains.<br >Artifact Preserved remains of nonnatural things, that is, things made by human<br >beings, such as tools or housing. See Fossil.<br >Assimilation The merging of cultural traits from distinct cultural groups.<br >Balance of payment The system of recording all of the country s economic trans-<br >actions with the rest of the world during a particular period. The balance of payment is<br >typically divided into subaccoums, such as the capital and current accounts. The current<br >acCount covers import and export goods; the capital account covers movements of<br >investments. These subacconnts may show a deficit or surplus; the overall balance of<br >payments, however, will not be in surplus or deficit since every dollar spent on foreign<br >items is returned to buy U.S. goods or securities. See also Balance of trade.<br >Bulanee of trade The difference over a period of time between the value of a<br >Country s imports, such as automobiles and stereos, and its exports of merchandise,<br >such as foodstuffs and computers. When a country exports more than it imports, the<br >balance of trade is in surplus and the country is said to have a favorable balance of<br >trade. However, an unfavorable balance of trade does not necessarily mean the country<br >

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