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Preface<br > Purpose<br > PROLOG, Personal Review of Learning in Obstetrics and Gynecology, is a voluntary, stricff<br > confidential self-evaluation program. PROLOG is designed to enab e physicians to assess thei<br > current knowledge and to review current concepts within the specialty. The content is carefull.<br > selected and presented in clinically oriented multiple-choice questkms. The questions arl<br > designed to stimulate and challenge physicians in areas of medical care that they confront i~<br > their practice or as consultant obstetrician-gynecologists.<br > PROLOG also provides the American Co ege of Obstetnclans and Gynecologists with<br > means of identifying the educational needs of the fellowship. Individual scores are reportec<br > only to the participant; however, cumulative perlormance data obtained for each PROLOG uni<br > help determine the direction for future educational programs offered by the College.<br > Continuing medical education credits may be earned by participation in the PROLOG self-<br > evaluation process. In addition, PROLOG serves as a valuable study tool, reference gtfide, and<br > means of attaining up-to-date knowledge in the specialty.<br > Process<br > PROLOG offers the nlost advanced knowledge available in five areas of the specialty--<br > obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive endocrinok)gy and infertility, gynecologic oncology and<br > surgery, and patient management in the office. A new PROLOG unit is produced annually,<br > addressing one of these subject areas. Obstetrics, Fourth Edition, is the first unit in the fourth<br > 5-year series of PROLOG.<br > Each unit of PROLOG represents the efforts of a special task fi)rce of subject experts under<br > the supervision of an editorial and advisory committee. PROLOG sets forth current inlbrma-<br > tion as viewed by recognized authorities in the field of women s health. This educational<br > resource does not define it standard of care, nor is it intended to dictate an exclusive course of<br > management. It presents recognized methods and techniques of clinical practice for consider-<br > ation by obstetrician-gynecologists tbr incorporation into their practices. Variations of prac-<br > tice taking into account the needs of the individual patient, resources, and limitations uniqne<br > to the institution or type of practice may be appropriate.<br > Each unit of PROLOG is presented as a two-part set, with performance inlormation arid<br > cognate-hour credit available to those who choose to send their answer sheets for confidential<br > scoring.<br > The first part of the PROLOG set is the Question Book, which contains educational ob-<br >jectives lor the unit, nluhiple-cho ce questions and a computer-scored answer sheet. Pm tici-<br > pants can work through tile book at the r own pace, choosing to use PROLOG its a closed- or<br >open-book assessment. Return of the answer sheet for scoring is encouraged, but is vohmtary.<br > Tile Critique Book completes tile PROLOG set. The Critique Book reviews the educational<br >objectives and questions set forth in the Question Book and contains a discussion, or critique,<br >of each question. Tile crititlue provides the rationale for correct and incorrect options. Current,<br >accessible reli~rences are listed lot each question. ACOG Fellows may request additional<br >literature sea "cites as well as inlbrm, on. bot t ACOG public.Rions by contacting the Resource<br >Center, Posl Office Box 96920, Washington, DC 20090-6920, telephoue (202) 863-2518.<br > Participants wilt> return their answer sheets fi)r credit will receive a Perfornlance Report<br >indicating thei," answers and their percent correct score. A data package will be sent offering<br >participants a means of con>paring their scores with the scores of a sample group of other<br >participants. Ph ase allow I tttOlllh to proc~ ,~ ,~ ~ltt,~ >t ~ l" sheets,<br >
Prolog Obstetrics 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025