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n. m ~slc.aln~. ii:cll. Uincl<br >u: mcup, us. bud<br >Q: in cure. use. menu<br >fi: in turn. urn. burn<br >I~: in focus, circus, circumstance<br >w: in wood. wit. when<br >y: in yet..yarn, yolk<br >h: in azure, measure, vision<br >prept<br >pron<br >past<br >sinnu<br >/arlant<br >tuxiliary<br >ntransitiv<br >ransitive<br > year.<br >n.back (A-bak ), ado. I. [Archaic], backward. 2.<br > by surprise: used only in taken aback.<br >aba-cus (ab i-kfis, ~-bak ~s), n., pl. -cus.es, -cl<br > (-sO, I. a frame with beads that slide on<br > rods, for doing arithmetic. 2. the stab form-<br > ing the top of a column.<br >a-haft (t-baft ), adv. toward, or in the direction<br > of. the stern of a ship; astern: prep. behind.<br >ab-a-lo-ne" (ab-i-16 ni), n. a large, ear-shaped,<br > edible sea mollusk: its shell is lined with<br > mother-of-pearl.<br >--ban.don (~-ban d6n), m n surrender of one s<br > self to impulses: ~.l. I,~ to desert; forsake. 2.<br > to give up all claim ~. ---a-bah don-merit, n.<br >a.bsn-duaed ( d6nd), adj. ~. given up entirely.<br > 2. shamelessly profligate.~,<br >n-bsse (l-b~s ), v.t. u-bssed , a-has lag, to hum-<br > ble or degrade. .--4-hase mcat, n.<br >a.bush (~t-bash ), v.t. to embarrass or make<br > ashamed. ---a-bush merit, n. "<br >a-bste (/t-b~t ), ~.t. n-bat ed, a*lmt lng, l. to<br > lessen. 2. to deduct. 3. to suppress: v.i. to<br > decrease; moderate; subside.<br >a.bste-ment ( n~nt), n. I. an abatin~ or less-<br > ening. 2. a deduction; amount by which a<br > sum or q .uantity /s reduced. 3. suppression,<br > as of a nmsance.<br >ab.a-tis, ab.at-tis (ab i-tis), n., pL 4is, a bar-<br > ricade of felled trees with sharpened<br > branches pointing outward.<br >ab-at.toir (ab~-tw,~r~ n. a slaughterhouse.<br >ab-ba.cy (ab ,Lsi), n., pl. -des, the office and<br > jurisdiction of an abbot.<br >ab.b6 (~-bi ), n. a French title of respect given<br > to an ecclesiastic,<br >ab.bess (ab ~s), n. a woman who is the su-<br > perior of a convent or nunnery.<br >ab.bey (ab i), n. !. a monastery or convent. 2.<br > a place of worship belonging to an abbey.<br >ao.~qi~ tao oz), n,-a man WhO is me neaa ot an<br > abbey for men.<br >lb-bce,vi.ate (;l-brE vi-it), p.t. -abed, -at-ing, to<br > shorten; especially, to contract a word by<br > the omission of letters. -ab.bre vi,n,tor, n.<br >ab.bre-vl,a.tlon (-i shfin), n. I. the act of short-<br > eninD 2. the state of being abbreviated. 3.<br > the word, phrase, or title contracted, as<br > M.D. for Doctor of Medicine.<br >A B C (~,-b~.s~ ), ~, pl. A B C s, I. usually pL<br > the alphabet. 2. a rudiment; fundamental.<br >ab-di.eate (ab di-kfit), I,.t. & v.i. -rat-ed, -cat-<br > ing, I. to give up or withdraw from. 2. to<br > renounce. ---ab-dl.ra tiou, n. --ab di-ce-tor, ,1.<br >ub-do.men (ab d6-m~ n, ab-d6 -), n. 1. the<br > belly; cavity of the body containing diges-<br > tive o rgaus and other viscera. 2. the post-<br > erior dwision of the body of an insect. --<br > ab-dom-l-uai (ab-dom |-nl), adj.<br >ab.dusS (ab--dukt ), v.t. to carry off by stealth <br > or force; kidnap. --ab-duc tton, n.<br >ab-duc-tor (-duk tEr), n. I. one who abducts;<br > kidnapper. 2. a muscle that pulls (a body<br > part) away from the median axis.<br >u-beam (i-b~m ), adv. at right, angles to the<br > keel of a ship.<br >a-be.ce-dar.i-an (fi-bi-si-der i-/in), adj. belonging<br > to the alphabet: n. one learning the alpha-<br > bet.<br >a.bed (fi-bed ), adv. in bed.<br >ab.er-rant (a-ber ~nt), adj. departing from the<br > usual path, type, or standard. --ab-er rance,<br > nb-er ran-cy, n.<br >ab-er.ra-tinn (ab-~r-i shGn), n. !. the act of<br > departing from the usual path, type, or<br > standard. 2. mental derangement. 3. the<br > unequal refraction of rays of light from a<br > lens so that they do not converge to a sin-<br > gle poinL<br >a-bet (~-bet ), t,.t. n-beVted, a-bet tlng, to aid<br > or assist in the performance of an act, usu-<br > ally of a criminal nature; incite. --a.bet -<br > merit, n. ---a-bet tor, n-bet ter, n.<br >u-bey-ance (i-b~, ;lus), n. a state of suspension.<br >ab.hor (ab-h6r ), v.t. -honed , 4me flog, to<br > hate; loathe; execrate; abominate. -ab.hor -<br > rence, n.<br >alb-hor.rent ( /hat), adj. detestable; hateful;<br > repulsive.<br >u-bide (fi-bid ), e.t.n.bode (5-b6d ) or a,bid ed,<br > n-bid Ing, I. to await. 2. to endure; with-<br > stand; tolerate: v.i. I. [Archaic], to dwell;<br > reside. 2. to continue; stand firm.<br >n-bld-iag (~ing), adj. remaining; steadfast.<br >a-bil-i-ly (A-bil~i-ti). &. p~ -lies, I. power to<br > 13erform; skill to achieve. 2. talents or gifts.<br >abq.o-gen-e*sh (ab-i-6-jan 6-s/s), tt spontaneous<br > I~eneration.<br >llb-~,.ct (ab~..kt). adj. I. ~ miserable. 2. des-<br > picable; degraded. --albject ness,<br >ab-ju-ra-tlon (ab-j6-nt shfin). it an oath of<br ><br >
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