Why Women Have Sex 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 心理學 女性 性 進化論 科學 Sex Women 思考
Why Women Have Sex 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024
評分Buss is my favorite!!
評分Buss is my favorite!!
評分awesome analysis by psychology
得剋薩斯大學奧斯汀分校的戴維•巴斯:David Buss,進化心理學領域的創始人之一,著書多部,包括《欲望的演化》和《危險激情》。
得剋薩斯大學奧斯汀分校的辛迪•梅斯頓:Cindy Meston,研究女性性愛的世界著名研究者,她同時負責大學裏研究女性性愛體驗的梅斯頓性心理生理學實驗室。
Why do women have sex? Is it purely for pleasure or the desire to reproduce? In their ground-breaking book, clinical psychologist Cindy Meston and evolutionary psychologist David Buss investigate the underlying sexual desires of women and identify 237 distinct motivations for sex. Drawing on more than a thousand intensive interviews conducted solely for the book, as well as their pioneering research on physiological response and evolutionary emotions, Meston and Buss give us a remarkably complex and nuanced portrait of female sexuality. They explore the use of sex as a defensive tactic against a man's infidelity (protection), as a ploy to boost self-confidence (status), as a barter for gifts (resource acquisition), or even as a cure for a headache (medication). "Why Women Have Sex" explores the deep-seated psychology and biology of female sexuality, and promises to inform every woman's - and her partner's - awareness of her relationship to sex and her own sexuality.
几年以前看过伍迪·艾伦的《性爱宝典》的时候惊为天人,说遍了各种各样关于性爱的全部幻想,电影语言幽默风趣又充满想象力。英文名字是Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask,就是每一件有关性你想知道却害怕去问的事。如果说性爱宝典的主...
評分现在有些出版社,因为出版行业不景气,为提高书籍销量,不惜抛弃节操,冒天下之大不韪,出版这种让人脸红心跳羞答答的小书。简直就是视出版业名声如儿戏,一点都不知道自重,对于这样的出版社,我只想对他们说十个字:“书出来了一定要告诉我!” 没错,这个出版社就是一直被...
評分其实这是一个再正经不过的心理研究课题了,只是一旦进入诲淫诲盗的价值体系,就变得走形串味。 无论男人或者女人,都有必要好好思考下这个问题。了解自己的心理动机、判断自己的行为方式,往小了说,是关系自身性福生活;往大了说,是关系整个社会的和谐健康。 每每看到诸如...
評分保留一份神秘感更能挑起女人的性欲,这一点对男人也同样适用。 过度亲密能够扑灭燃烧的欲火。 女性的敏锐嗅觉也掌控着性欲。 规律的性生活(一周至少一次)能够调整女性的月经周期,提高女性基础体温从而加大受孕概率,增加黄体期的雌激素分泌,黄体期指排卵后到月经来潮的前...
評分几年以前看过伍迪·艾伦的《性爱宝典》的时候惊为天人,说遍了各种各样关于性爱的全部幻想,电影语言幽默风趣又充满想象力。英文名字是Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask,就是每一件有关性你想知道却害怕去问的事。如果说性爱宝典的主...
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