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Festivals and the French Revolution

Mona Ozouf 作者
Harvard University Press
Alan Sheridan 譯者
1991-10-1 出版日期
400 頁數
USD 40.00 價格
9780674298842 圖書編碼

Festivals and the French Revolution 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 法國史  新文化史  曆史    法國大革命史  法國  文化史  文化   

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Festivals and the French Revolution 在線電子書 圖書描述

Festivals and the French Revolution--the subject conjures up visions of goddesses of Liberty, strange celebrations of Reason, and the oddly pretentious cult of the Supreme Being. Every history of the period includes some mention of festivals, although most historians have been content either to ridicule them as ineffectual or to bemoan them as repugnant examples of a sterile, official culture. Mona Ozouf shows us that they were much more than bizarre marginalia to the revolutionary process. Festivals offer critical insights into the meaning of the French Revolution; they show a society in the process of creating itself anew. Historians have recognized the importance of the revolutionary festival as a symbol of the Revolution. But they have differed widely in their interpretations of what that symbol meant and have considered the festivals as diverse as the rival political groups that conceived and organized them. Against this older vision, Ozouf argues for the fundamental coherence and profound unity of the festival as both event and register of reference and attitude. By comparing the most ideologically opposed festivals (those of Reason and the Supreme Being, for instance), she shows that they clearly share a common aim, which finds expression in a mutual ceremonial and symbolic vocabulary. Through a brilliant discussion of the construction, ordering, and conduct of the festival Ozouf demonstrates how the continuity of the images, allegories, ceremonials, and explicit functions can be seen as the Revolution's own commentary on itself. A second and important aim of this book is to show that this system of festivals, often seen as destructive, was an immensely creative force. The festival was the mirror in which the Revolution chose to see itself and the pedagogical tool by which it hoped to educate future generations, Far from being a failure, it embodied, socialized, and made sacred a new set of values based on the family, the nation, and mankind--the values of a modern, secular, liberal world.

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全书结构精致,点线结合。文笔精美,文气酣畅,导论尤其出色。译者词章老到,学养深厚,相得益彰。 作者的理论分析往往通过采用修辞上的反问、倒置,推进深度,制造反省,读起来十分过瘾,但快意之余,不免有些“玩花活儿”的感觉。宜于启发思考的新角度,但不能满足于演讲式语...  


作者:张之琪 “如果有一天节日成为了史学研究的对象,那只可能是因为工业社会不再有节日。”法国历史学家莫娜·奥祖夫(Mona Ozouf)曾在1975年这样预言。 四十年后,奥祖夫的预言几乎成真,工业社会创造了名目繁多的消费狂欢节,而真正的节日却一个个消失。节日不再是情感连...  

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