What the Dog Saw 在线电子书 图书标签: MalcolmGladwell 心理学 美国 心理學 Malcolm_Gladwell 社会 gladwell malcolm
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觉得malcolm读多了有点腻, 特别是这类专栏性的小文,一下子读一本觉得有点overdose~ "everything and everyone has a story to tell."
评分觉得malcolm读多了有点腻, 特别是这类专栏性的小文,一下子读一本觉得有点overdose~ "everything and everyone has a story to tell."
【加】马尔科姆•格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)被《快公司》誉为“21世纪的彼得•德鲁克”,曾是《华盛顿邮报》商务科学专栏作家,目前是《纽约客》杂志专职作家。2005年被《时代》周刊评为全球最有影响力的100位人物之一。他的代表作品《引爆点》、《异类》、《眨眼之间》均创造了书市神话。《纽约时报》更是把格拉德威尔对社会思潮的影响称为“格拉德威尔效应”(Gladwell Effect)。
What is the difference between choking and panicking? Why are there dozens of varieties of mustard-but only one variety of ketchup? What do football players teach us about how to hire teachers? What does hair dye tell us about the history of the 20th century?
In the past decade, Malcolm Gladwell has written three books that have radically changed how we understand our world and ourselves: The Tipping Point; Blink; and Outliers. Now, in What the Dog Saw, he brings together, for the first time, the best of his writing from TheNew Yorker over the same period.
Here is the bittersweet tale of the inventor of the birth control pill, and the dazzling inventions of the pasta sauce pioneer Howard Moscowitz. Gladwell sits with Ron Popeil, the king of the American kitchen, as he sells rotisserie ovens, and divines the secrets of Cesar Millan, the "dog whisperer" who can calm savage animals with the touch of his hand. He explores intelligence tests and ethnic profiling and "hindsight bias" and why it was that everyone in Silicon Valley once tripped over themselves to hire the same college graduate.
"Good writing," Gladwell says in his preface, "does not succeed or fail on the strength of its ability to persuade. It succeeds or fails on the strength of its ability to engage you, to make you think, to give you a glimpse into someone else's head."What the Dog Saw is yet another example of the buoyant spirit and unflagging curiosity that have made Malcolm Gladwell our most brilliant investigator of the hidden extraordinary.
四年后,也即是2007年,Gladwell就安然事件撰写的第二篇文章“The open secrect”(《公开的秘密》)发表。在转述此篇旧文之前,且耍个花枪,来看看新闻——美国SEC诉高盛案(SEC在一项民事诉讼中,起诉高盛公司误导、欺骗投资者)。 此间曲折,还数维基百科“高盛”词条说得...
评分第八篇 Million-Dollar Murray 副题是:“为什么无家可归一类的问题解决容易、而管理起来难?” Gladwell在本文中说的一半纯属滥调。他把“八二原则”又举例说明了一通,不过他用的是统计学里的术语——(Power Law)“幂律”。题目中的“Murray”是个“死硬”的流浪汉,而叫...
评分格拉德威尔是个另辟蹊径的天才,他讲故事的功力似乎已经到了随心所欲的境界,他习惯于将一件复杂的事抽丝剥茧,透析背后的行为模式。他讲故事总是将几个故事杂糅在一起,从不让人觉得枯燥,反而用这种彼此论证的方式来表现他对模式的敏锐观察力。 在上一本《逆...
评分卫报说,书中收有22篇文章,都可以在作者的个人网站上读到 格拉德威尔的著述带有哲学的性质:提出的是如何认识世界和认识人本身等基本问题,解决问题的方法是区分出不同的范畴。比如为什么有些大艺术家大器晚成而另外一些早早声名鹊起?这是因为艺术家有概念型和实验型两...
评分第八篇 Million-Dollar Murray 副题是:“为什么无家可归一类的问题解决容易、而管理起来难?” Gladwell在本文中说的一半纯属滥调。他把“八二原则”又举例说明了一通,不过他用的是统计学里的术语——(Power Law)“幂律”。题目中的“Murray”是个“死硬”的流浪汉,而叫...
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