Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry

Ming Xie 作者
1998-12-01 出版日期
279 頁數
GBP 60.00 價格
9780815326236 圖書編碼

Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 龐德  比較詩學  EzraPound  海外漢學  Poetry  Transpacific  漢學  Pound   

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Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry 在線電子書 著者簡介

Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry 在線電子書 圖書描述

This book focuses on the relations between the translation and appropriation of classical Chinese poetry by Ezra Pound and some of his contemporaries and the development of Anglo-American Imagist poetry and poetics. It is concerned as much with critical aspects of this correlative relationship as with the question of historical influence and ascription. The author places the early work of Ezra Pound in the context of works of Chinese translation by other contemporary poet-translators such as Arthur Waley and Amy Lowell, and examines the whole notion of an "ideogrammic" poetry as advocated by Ernest Fenollosa and Ezra Pound against an appropriately reconstructed historical and critical context of poetic theory and practice. Closely linked to this is a discussion of Pound's use of personae and modulation of the elegiac in relation to the immediately preceding context of late Victorian elegiac lyricism and Brownigesque dramatic monologue. Through a series of close readings of translations from the Chinese, especially those by Pound, the author shows how the critical problem of what is involved in translating a Chinese poem into a new English poem is closely linked to the particulars of early Modernist literary history. In particular, through tracing the trajectory of a number of central issues and notions, such as absolute, free-floating, metaphor, metaphor as epiphanic image and its relation to syntax, metaphor and parallelism, experiments with rhythm and cadence, the book explores some of the reasons for Fenollosa's and Pound's emphasis on the visual image, the notion of "phanopoeia" and ideogrammic "verbal action" as the active perceiving of relations, and closely examines the genesis and significance of Pound's "ideogrammic" method, as well as the question of cultural misreading and vicarious envisagement, and provides a critical overview of Pound's general engagement with translation.

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Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry 在線電子書 讀後感


Emerson had said in "Poet":"Things admit of being used as symbols,because nature is a symbol,in the whole,and in every part."Or again,in language:the world is emblematic;parts of speech are metaphors,because the whole of nature is a metaphor of the human mi...


Emerson had said in "Poet":"Things admit of being used as symbols,because nature is a symbol,in the whole,and in every part."Or again,in language:the world is emblematic;parts of speech are metaphors,because the whole of nature is a metaphor of the human mi...


Emerson had said in "Poet":"Things admit of being used as symbols,because nature is a symbol,in the whole,and in every part."Or again,in language:the world is emblematic;parts of speech are metaphors,because the whole of nature is a metaphor of the human mi...


Emerson had said in "Poet":"Things admit of being used as symbols,because nature is a symbol,in the whole,and in every part."Or again,in language:the world is emblematic;parts of speech are metaphors,because the whole of nature is a metaphor of the human mi...


Emerson had said in "Poet":"Things admit of being used as symbols,because nature is a symbol,in the whole,and in every part."Or again,in language:the world is emblematic;parts of speech are metaphors,because the whole of nature is a metaphor of the human mi...

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