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Love Medicine

Louise Erdrich 作者
Harper Perennial; Revised edition
2009-5 出版日期
400 頁數
119.00元 價格
9780061787423 圖書編碼

Love Medicine 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 英文原版  族裔  小說  LouiseErdrich  美國  Love  medicine  LouiseErdrich,   

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Love Medicine 在線電子書 用戶評價


A Native American saga narrated through acute and shape observation and perspective. One of the hardest books I have read recently. Frankly, I need to pick the brain of anyone who understands this book better.


A Native American saga narrated through acute and shape observation and perspective. One of the hardest books I have read recently. Frankly, I need to pick the brain of anyone who understands this book better.


A Native American saga narrated through acute and shape observation and perspective. One of the hardest books I have read recently. Frankly, I need to pick the brain of anyone who understands this book better.


A Native American saga narrated through acute and shape observation and perspective. One of the hardest books I have read recently. Frankly, I need to pick the brain of anyone who understands this book better.


A Native American saga narrated through acute and shape observation and perspective. One of the hardest books I have read recently. Frankly, I need to pick the brain of anyone who understands this book better.

Love Medicine 在線電子書 著者簡介

Karen Louise Erdrich was born on June 7, 1954 in Little Falls, Minnesota. Erdrich grew up in Wahpeton, North Dakota, where both of her parents were employed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. She is a member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. Erdrich graduated from Dartmouth College in 1976 with an AB degree, and she received a Master of Arts in creative writing from Johns Hopkins University in 1979.

Erdrich published a number of poems and short stories from 1978 to 1982. In 1981 she married author and anthropologist Michael Dorris, and together they published The World's Greatest Fisherman, which won the Nelson Algren Award in 1982. In 1984 she won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Love Medicine, which is an expansion of a story that she had co-written with Dorris. Love Medicine was also awarded the Virginia McCormick Scully Prize (1984), the Sue Kaufman Prize (1985) and the Los Angeles Times Award for best novel (1985).

In addition to her prose, Erdrich has written several volumes of poetry, a textbook, children's books, and short stories and essays for popular magazines. She has been the recipient of numerous awards for professional excellence, including the National Magazine Fiction Award in 1983 and a first-prize O. Henry Award in 1987. Erdrich has also received the Pushcart Prize in Poetry, the Western Literacy Association Award, the 1999 World Fantasy Award, and the Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction in 2006. In 2007 she refused to accept an honorary doctorate from the University of North Dakota in protest of its use of the "Fighting Sioux" name and logo.

Erdrich's novel The Round House made the New York Times bestseller list in 2013.

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Love Medicine 在線電子書 圖書描述

The stunning first novel in Louise Erdrich's Native American series, Love Medicine tells the story of two families, the Kashpaws and the Lamartines. Written in Erdrich's uniquely poetic, powerful style, it is a multi-generational portrait of strong men and women caught in an unforgettable drama of anger, desire, and the healing power that is love medicine.

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Love Medicine 在線電子書 讀後感


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