True West 在线电子书 图书标签: 戏剧 samsheperd 美国文学 剧本 Sam_Shepard SamShepard 英文原著 外国文学
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08 fall
评分Mom:要打出去打 我要见Picasso
评分Go west ⇔Go wild 终场没有想到,结局更没想到。还想说Lee要是真死了那也痛快,会更发人深省,但转念一想,这样的结局,兄弟俩人(或许还有妈)都将陷入绝望的深渊,那也很有力度。
评分字字珠玑,前后呼应妙得令人发指,读完又火速从头看了一遍。非常苍凉无助,又有一丝恶童式的任性和温情,梦幻又真实。老去的牙齿脱落满口是血的西部沙漠,面貌平庸却陌生无比的小小城镇,在德州的黑夜里茫然追逐的两个牛仔,被需要被希望作为根但并不无限应允的母亲,悲哀的既是憧憬也是负担的父亲,殊途同归。内心空荡荡又需要证实自身存在的两兄弟,别扭地存在着共同点和对彼此的关心,他们羡慕又恐惧着对方表面的特质和生活,两人几经角力和融合,像是西部片里那样粗狂又巧妙地斗智斗勇,轮番占据优势,但又无法享受胜利。大概这世上已经没有甜水镇了,又到处都是甜水镇的化身,无处寻觅的同时也无处可逃,沙漠或者阿拉斯加都不行。true west只在电影里,和执拗的兄弟对峙时的剪影中。那是所有剧本都无法框住和染指的,漂泊无依的梦境。
评分Shepard最简短的剧。兄弟两人一个剧作家,一个小偷,突然身份就翻转了。对于Lee的剧本,一开始Austin鼓励Lee写Lee不敢写,后来Lee想写Austin不屑于写,后来Austin不写Lee自己写,后来Austin不写Lee也不写,再后来Austin写Lee不写。一言不合就偷toaster,就砸typewriter,就叫妓女,就摔电话,就相约去desert。风格是荒诞的,笔触是冷峻的,戏剧性让你头皮发麻,black humor让你哭笑不得。
Comedy / 3m, 1f / Int. Recently revived at New York's Circle in the Square, where Seymour Hoffman and John C. Reilly alternated playing the roles of the brothers, this American classic explores alternatives that might spring from the demented terrain of the California landscape. Sons of a desert dwelling alcoholic and a suburban wanderer clash over a film script. Austin, the achiever, is working on a script he has sold to producer Sal Kimmer when Lee, a demented petty thief, drops in. He pitches his own idea for a movie to Kimmer, who then wants Austin to junk his bleak, modern love story and write Lee's trashy Western tale. "Shepard's masterwork.... It tells us a truth, as glimpsed by a 37 year old genius." - New York Post "It's clear, funny, naturalistic. It's also opaque, terrifying, surrealistic. If that sounds contradictory, you're on to one aspect of Shepard's winning genius; the ability to make you think you're watching one thing while at the same time he's presenting another." - San Francisco Chronicle
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