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Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession

Jason Zweig 作者
2010-3-23 出版日期
352 頁數
USD 34.95 價格
9780071633260 圖書編碼

Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 格雷厄姆  祖師爺賞飯  投資  Finance  英文投資  價值投資  Investment  E-b   



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Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession 在線電子書 用戶評價


看過,太棒瞭,這是一本邏輯性、教育性、啓發性和文學性皆屬上品的佳作。鑒於大多數人都沒有看過《證券分析》,並且巴菲特也首推《聰明股票投資人》,因此個人認為這是格雷厄姆第二最好的書,雖然這不是由他自己親自寫的,而是後人根據他的經典文章按照一定的邏輯編輯的。可以毫不客氣地說,通過這本書可以看齣, 在投資思想方麵所有人類思維能夠想到的東西都被格雷厄姆想到瞭,而在投資實踐方麵,他的首席大弟子巴菲特則把能做到的都做瞭,顯然格雷厄姆這個巨人為巴菲特後來的登峰造極提供瞭一個堅實的肩膀。格雷厄姆對待證券分析的態度之科學以及思維之嚴謹讓人嘆服,雖然這本書格勒瞭一幅證券分析這門職業從構思到鼎盛的全景圖像,但我們完全可以憑藉此書發起證券分析的復興革命,如今證券分析的商業性已經徹底壓倒教父心目中的專業性。


看過,太棒瞭,這是一本邏輯性、教育性、啓發性和文學性皆屬上品的佳作。鑒於大多數人都沒有看過《證券分析》,並且巴菲特也首推《聰明股票投資人》,因此個人認為這是格雷厄姆第二最好的書,雖然這不是由他自己親自寫的,而是後人根據他的經典文章按照一定的邏輯編輯的。可以毫不客氣地說,通過這本書可以看齣, 在投資思想方麵所有人類思維能夠想到的東西都被格雷厄姆想到瞭,而在投資實踐方麵,他的首席大弟子巴菲特則把能做到的都做瞭,顯然格雷厄姆這個巨人為巴菲特後來的登峰造極提供瞭一個堅實的肩膀。格雷厄姆對待證券分析的態度之科學以及思維之嚴謹讓人嘆服,雖然這本書格勒瞭一幅證券分析這門職業從構思到鼎盛的全景圖像,但我們完全可以憑藉此書發起證券分析的復興革命,如今證券分析的商業性已經徹底壓倒教父心目中的專業性。


看過,太棒瞭,這是一本邏輯性、教育性、啓發性和文學性皆屬上品的佳作。鑒於大多數人都沒有看過《證券分析》,並且巴菲特也首推《聰明股票投資人》,因此個人認為這是格雷厄姆第二最好的書,雖然這不是由他自己親自寫的,而是後人根據他的經典文章按照一定的邏輯編輯的。可以毫不客氣地說,通過這本書可以看齣, 在投資思想方麵所有人類思維能夠想到的東西都被格雷厄姆想到瞭,而在投資實踐方麵,他的首席大弟子巴菲特則把能做到的都做瞭,顯然格雷厄姆這個巨人為巴菲特後來的登峰造極提供瞭一個堅實的肩膀。格雷厄姆對待證券分析的態度之科學以及思維之嚴謹讓人嘆服,雖然這本書格勒瞭一幅證券分析這門職業從構思到鼎盛的全景圖像,但我們完全可以憑藉此書發起證券分析的復興革命,如今證券分析的商業性已經徹底壓倒教父心目中的專業性。


看過,太棒瞭,這是一本邏輯性、教育性、啓發性和文學性皆屬上品的佳作。鑒於大多數人都沒有看過《證券分析》,並且巴菲特也首推《聰明股票投資人》,因此個人認為這是格雷厄姆第二最好的書,雖然這不是由他自己親自寫的,而是後人根據他的經典文章按照一定的邏輯編輯的。可以毫不客氣地說,通過這本書可以看齣, 在投資思想方麵所有人類思維能夠想到的東西都被格雷厄姆想到瞭,而在投資實踐方麵,他的首席大弟子巴菲特則把能做到的都做瞭,顯然格雷厄姆這個巨人為巴菲特後來的登峰造極提供瞭一個堅實的肩膀。格雷厄姆對待證券分析的態度之科學以及思維之嚴謹讓人嘆服,雖然這本書格勒瞭一幅證券分析這門職業從構思到鼎盛的全景圖像,但我們完全可以憑藉此書發起證券分析的復興革命,如今證券分析的商業性已經徹底壓倒教父心目中的專業性。



Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession 在線電子書 著者簡介





Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession 在線電子書 圖書描述

How One Man Created a Profession-and Entirely Transformed the World of Investing "The small list of investment books that must grace the library of any serious investor-not to gather dust, but to be opened over and over again-just grew by one. This wonderful compilation of the wit and wisdom of Benjamin Graham is the new addition. Savor it. Learn from it. Treasure it." John C. Bogle, founder and former Chief Executive, The Vanguard Group "If youth is measured by creativity and excitement about new ideas and a thirst for learning, then Ben Graham-in his early 80s-was the youngest guy in the room when two-dozen stellar investment managers met for three days to explain the inner workings of investment management." Charles D. Ellis, CFA, Bestselling Author of Winning the Loser's Game "These writings, spanning over 30 years, help us understand even better the remarkable achievement of this visionary man and his lasting influence on the finance profession." Burton Malkiel, Princeton University, Bestselling Author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street "Investing involves the intelligent triangulation between fundamentals, psychology, and prices. Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession ...illustrates how this investment legend never stopped thinking about this multi-dimensional challenge. " Seth Klarman, The Baupost Group "Serious professionals in the investment business will delight in pouring over this and checking their own thoughts against those of the master." Jeffrey J. Diermeier, CFA, Diermeier Family Foundation, and former CFA Institute president and CEO "This is a must-read for anyone interested in the history and development of our profession and the importance of critical investment thinking." Gary P. Brinson, CFA, GP Brinson Investments "Some investors ('the happy few') know that Ben Graham's writings on financial analysis give them a leg up. So they will want to read this book, and other investors should." Jean-Marie Eveillard, First Eagle Funds "The CFA Institute and Jason Zweig have performed an invaluable service to our profession in collecting these [writings] in one volume." William H. Miller, CFA, Legg Mason Funds Management About the Book: When Benjamin Graham began workingon Wall Street in 1914, the centerof American finance resembled a lawless frontier.The concept of regulatory laws was in itsinfancy, the SEC wouldn't see the light of dayfor 20 years, and many firms hid assets andearnings from nosy outsiders. And security analysts didn't exist as weknow them. They were called "diagnosticians,"and they didn't do much analyzing. These investorsprided themselves on going with the"feel" of the market, and most of them rarelylooked at a financial statement. Appalled by the lack of research and quantification,Benjamin Graham set out to changeall this-and ended up creating the disciplineof modern security analysis. A collection of rare writings by and interviewswith one of financial history's most brilliantvisionaries, Benjamin Graham, Building aProfession presents Graham's evolution of ideason security analysis spanning five decades.Articles include: "Should Security Analysts Have aProfessional Rating? The Affirmative Case" Financial Analysts Journal (1945) "Toward a Science of Security Analysis" Financial Analysts Journal (1952) "Inflated Treasuries and DeflatedStockholders: Are CorporationsMilking Their Owners?" Forbes (1932) "The Future of Financial Analysis" Financial Analysts Journal (1963) "Controlling versus OutsideStockholders" Virginia Law Weekly (1953) These pages reveal the revolutionary ideas of aman who didn't so much find his calling as hecreated it from scratch-and opened the doorfor entire generations of investors.

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