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Between Naturalism and Religion

Jürgen Habermas 作者
2008-6-10 出版日期
344 頁數
USD 26.95 價格
9780745638256 圖書編碼

Between Naturalism and Religion 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Habermas  哈貝馬斯  religion  政治哲學  當代政治哲學  宗教  自然主義  翻翻   

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Between Naturalism and Religion 在線電子書 用戶評價


Super intrigued by the first chapter on the entwined personal biography and phil interests.


Dr. Habermas 90歲大壽。 最近正好中美爭端加劇,以華為為中心的貿易摩擦讓國內的民族主義甚囂塵上。推薦一下這本書。PS:需要本科級彆的政治哲學知識儲備。


Dr. Habermas 90歲大壽。 最近正好中美爭端加劇,以華為為中心的貿易摩擦讓國內的民族主義甚囂塵上。推薦一下這本書。PS:需要本科級彆的政治哲學知識儲備。


Dr. Habermas 90歲大壽。 最近正好中美爭端加劇,以華為為中心的貿易摩擦讓國內的民族主義甚囂塵上。推薦一下這本書。PS:需要本科級彆的政治哲學知識儲備。


Super intrigued by the first chapter on the entwined personal biography and phil interests.

Between Naturalism and Religion 在線電子書 著者簡介

Between Naturalism and Religion 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Between Naturalism and Religion 在線電子書 圖書描述

Two countervailing trends mark the intellectual tenor of our age the spread of naturalistic worldviews and religious orthodoxies. Advances in biogenetics, brain research, and robotics are clearing the way for the penetration of an objective scientific self-understanding of persons into everyday life. For philosophy, this trend is associated with the challenge of scientific naturalism. At the same time, we are witnessing an unexpected revitalization of religious traditions and the politicization of religious communities across the world. From a philosophical perspective, this revival of religious energies poses the challenge of a fundamentalist critique of the principles underlying the modern Wests postmetaphysical understanding of itself.

The tension between naturalism and religion is the central theme of this major new book by Jrgen Habermas. On the one hand he argues for an appropriate naturalistic understanding of cultural evolution that does justice to the normative character of the human mind. On the other hand, he calls for an appropriate interpretation of the secularizing effects of a process of social and cultural rationalization increasingly denounced by the champions of religious orthodoxies as a historical development peculiar to the West. These reflections on the enduring importance of religion and the limits of secularism under conditions of postmetaphysical reason set the scene for an extended treatment the political significance of religious tolerance and for a fresh contribution to current debates on cosmopolitanism and a constitution for international society.

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