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The Visual Effects Producer

Finance, Charles/ Zwerman, Susan 作者
2009-9 出版日期
416 頁數
316.00元 價格
9780240812632 圖書編碼

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The Visual Effects Producer 在線電子書 epub 下載 pdf 下載 mobi 下載 txt 下載 2025

The Visual Effects Producer 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

The Visual Effects Producer 在線電子書 用戶評價


人力妹子說老闆說一定要讀 然後很熱心地第二天發給瞭我 並不確定要在這行做多久以及要不要轉製片 所以讀的並不精 印度姑娘說光看很無趣給我畫瞭一大張pipeline來講 preproduction都有認真讀 postproduction隻讀瞭workflow 如果要轉製片大概會再認真讀 但目前不太會瞭


我現在做的事情就是把這本書翻譯齣來 我的個人訂閱號一直在更新 Hi VFX




人力妹子說老闆說一定要讀 然後很熱心地第二天發給瞭我 並不確定要在這行做多久以及要不要轉製片 所以讀的並不精 印度姑娘說光看很無趣給我畫瞭一大張pipeline來講 preproduction都有認真讀 postproduction隻讀瞭workflow 如果要轉製片大概會再認真讀 但目前不太會瞭



The Visual Effects Producer 在線電子書 著者簡介

"The Visual Effects Producer is absolutely essential reading! Finance and Zwerman cover every aspect of producing visual effects in a clear and concise manner that will inform novices and industry veterans alike."

- Gale Anne Hurd, Producer (The Incredible Hulk, Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Aliens)

"This indispensable resource for VFX producers (and would-be VFX producers) is not only user friendly but jam packed with the information and techniques you'd otherwise have to learn the hard, painful and expensive way!"

- Jeffrey A. Okun, VFX Supervisor (The Day the Earth Stood Still, Blood Diamond, The Last Samurai)

"A must read for all filmmakers and aspiring filmmakers. The authors have combined wisdom and practicality to produce an extraordinary book that explains the business of producing VFX without losing sight of the art and magic."

- Yudi Bennett, Member of DGA and Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences; Frank Capra Award Recipient

(StarTrek Generations, Pleasantville)

The Visual Effects Producer 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Visual Effects Producer 在線電子書 圖書描述

"The Visual Effects Producer is absolutely essential reading! Finance and Zwerman cover every aspect of producing visual effects in a clear and concise manner that will inform novices and industry veterans alike."

- Gale Anne Hurd, Producer (The Incredible Hulk, Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Aliens)

"This indispensable resource for VFX producers (and would-be VFX producers) is not only user friendly but jam packed with the information and techniques you'd otherwise have to learn the hard, painful and expensive way!"

- Jeffrey A. Okun, VFX Supervisor (The Day the Earth Stood Still, Blood Diamond, The Last Samurai)

"A must read for all filmmakers and aspiring filmmakers. The authors have combined wisdom and practicality to produce an extraordinary book that explains the business of producing VFX without losing sight of the art and magic."

- Yudi Bennett, Member of DGA and Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences; Frank Capra Award Recipient

(StarTrek Generations, Pleasantville)

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