End Procrastination Now! 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 拖延癥 時間管理 心理學 個人管理 時間 認識自己 心理 self-management
End Procrastination Now! 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024
William Knaus, Ed.D. is a licensed psychologist and an expert in the area of procrastination, depression, and anxiety. He is a pioneer in cognitive revolution in psychotherapy. Author is doing seminar tour for PESI, a national organization that sponsors continuing education for professional groups, such as mental health and medical professionals. Aside from his private practice, numerous consultation assignments include: U.S. Army Post-Doctoral Psychologist Training Programs, Canadian Government, Addiction Research Bureau, Devereux Foundation. Regional television appearances include Boston, Minneapolis, Baltimore/Washington, New England Cable Network. National radio appearances include the Larry King Show, the Barry Farber Show, the Arlene Francis Show, and the Debbie Nigro Show. Life Series in Psychology, Channel 3, Cape Cod MA.
Never miss another deadline!
A proven method that defeats procrastination forever by conquering emotions, not time management
Procrastination is a serious and costly problem. And time management isn't the solution. Author William Knaus exposes the deep-rooted emotional and cognitive reasons we procrastinate and provides solutions to overcome it. Where other books offer time-management techniques and organizational tips as superficial fixes that don't work in the long run, End Procrastination Now! goes deeper and shows you a three-pronged approach to get off and to stay off the procrastination treadmill.
End Procrastination Now! provides you with expert advice on how to stay on track, stay focused, and meet deadlines. Psychologist William Knaus outlines a step-by- step plan to get over procrastination by recognizing its causes, building positive feelings towards what needs to get done, and implementing effective solutions that help you cut bad habits to successfully get more done in less time.
You'll learn
The natural "causes" for procrastination and how to track and then stop procrastination.
New techniques that cut through procrastination barriers that affect work and productivity.
To reduce stress caused by procrastination through the unique cognitive, emotional, and behavioral approach.
How to build resilience to negative feelings you automatically have towards tasks
可能很多方法还是因人而异吧 个人觉得没有大家评论的那么神 但是对心理上的督促还是有的 可以隔一段时间读一部分 鞭策一下自己 我个人的做法是 这段时间有点松懈 或者工作状态不太好的时候拿起来读一章 或读几页 看时间的 读完后正能量满满了 虽然没有根治拖延症 ...
評分就像知道“约书亚树”的名字之后,就发现到处都是约书亚树;手拿一把锤子,所做的就是到处寻找钉子一样,起了“拖延症”的名字,人们就开始外表更加焦虑而实际却更心安理得地拖延了——“我是拖延症患者嘛,我就是有这种病嘛……” 实际上就像本书说的,没有人会在任何事上都...
評分拖延是种病 一向以为分类在成功学下的书,巧言令色,毫无作用。关于GTD,关于时间管理等等,从一开始接触时的兴奋,后来也慢慢变成无动于衷。但看到这本《终结拖延症》,对于我这样一个严重拖延正症患者来说,还是有点怦然心动。不是不了解自己拖延的原因,但是要治病,...
評分By 若水三叶 最近把《终结拖延症》这本书读了一遍,趁着新鲜度,赶紧分享一下书评。 拖延,通俗来说就是:把事情不断延后,却迟迟不去做。在战拖会里,他们把拖延分为:”真性拖延“...
評分收到此书的时候我正在床上辗转反侧就是起不来,快递的门铃声打破了最后一丝侥幸,只好顺势解决掉早午餐再爬回桌前翻开书页。好巧不巧又遇上社区停电,是上天让我的阅读拖延得不到发挥,在注意力缺乏的干扰下仍艰难的读完了它。 如果你是一个填空爱好者,那一定会...
End Procrastination Now! 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024