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Head First Python

Paul Barry 作者
O'Reilly Media
2010-11-30 出版日期
496 頁數
USD 49.99 價格
Head First 叢書系列
9781449382674 圖書編碼

Head First Python 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Python  HeadFirst  編程  計算機  程序設計  Programming  python  programming   

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Head First Python 在線電子書 用戶評價


Head First 係列,應該比較給力吧。。。讀完瞭,比較初級的一本書。。。適閤初學者。。。


douban heckthon一天讀完,還不錯 ~ 不過有些淺顯瞭 ~


第一次讀head first係列叢書,耳目一新!





Head First Python 在線電子書 著者簡介

Paul Barry is formally educated and trained in Computer Science and holds a Masters Degree in Computing Science. He has been programming professionally, on and off, for close to 25 years. Paul already has two textbooks to his name, and is also a Contributing Editor to Linux Journal magazine. His day job is with the Institute of Technology, Carlow in Ireland where he has spent over a decade preparing Ireland’s next generation of computing folk to be productive in the workforce. His role as a third level educator affords him the opportunity to explore, learn and teach the very latest programming technologies and practices, which is something that he enjoys even though he knows this makes him a bonafide “geek”. Paul lives just outside the town of Carlow in Ireland with his wife, two sons, daughter, dog and cat. There’s a bunch of computers and a growing collection of music instruments in the house, too (and like a lot of the Head First family, Paul is a struggling guitarist trapped inside a geek’s body). He has so far resisted any suggestion that the family acquire a hamster … or a set of drums.

Head First Python 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Head First Python 在線電子書 圖書描述

Are you keen to add Python to your programming skills? Learn quickly and have some fun at the same time with Head First Python. This book takes you beyond typical how-to manuals with engaging images, puzzles, stories, and quizzes that are proven to stimulate learning and retention. You’ll not only learn how Python differs from other programming languages and how it’s similar, you’ll learn how to be a great programmer.

Understand Python’s unique method of dynamically storing data

Build Python-enabled web servers and web applications

Write mobile apps on the Android platform

Use PyGame and PyKyra to develop sophisticated games

Build GUI-based programs with Python’s handy code library

Write Python scripts to automate tasks on your favorite applications

We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First Python uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.

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Head First Python 在線電子書 讀後感


head first系列的书的一贯风格,很有吸引力,读起来不至于乏味,快速入门python必备。 因为工作需要加上早就听闻python很方便,早起了学习python之心,这次工作很多代码用的是python,没有办法,必须学习了。 想快速入门,然后边工作边学习深入,就想到了这本书,通篇读下来,...  


本科计算机毕业后十年文案工作,一点基础知识差不多全还给老师了。但是,这么多年下来依然觉得写报告不如写代码愉快和有成就感。最近得闲,想把编程重新捡起来,作为自己的爱好发展发展。 为此,看了一些书,基本都是变量、函数、结构控制、类对象、方法、列表,看着就想睡觉...  



这不是一本python语法参考书;它是Head First系列的出色代表。 如果你学过编程,但一直不会动手写真正的程序。那就从这本书开始吧。 这本书侧重实践,尽管是一本面向python初学者的书,但里边竟然涉及到了Android开发,web编程,GAE,SQLite等等诸多内容;很好地解决了初学者...  


为了学习Python买的这本书,以前也看过Head First系列的书。感觉入门比较快,就选择了这本书。总的来说入门的话确实不错。但是要想把基础打扎实光看这一本远远不够。 这本书的组织风格就是先告诉你要求你做一个什么样的程序出来,然后再一步一步教你怎么去实现。同时,文章里...  

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