Being and Time 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 現象學 存在主義 哲學 西方哲學 Philosophy Heidegger Course:Being-and-Time 海德格爾
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being-in-the-world in general as the basic state of dasein
評分being-in-the-world in general as the basic state of dasein
評分being-in-the-world in general as the basic state of dasein
評分being-in-the-world in general as the basic state of dasein
評分being-in-the-world in general as the basic state of dasein
馬丁·海德格爾(Martin Heidegger)齣身於一個天主教傢庭,早年在教會學校讀書。17歲時,從一個神父那裏藉到布倫坦諾的《亞裏士多德所說的存在的多重意義》一書,對存在意義的問題産生興趣。他在大學先學神學二年,後轉入哲學,1913年在弗萊堡大學在李凱爾特的指導下完成博士學位論文《心理主義的判斷學說》,他的講師資格論文題目是《鄧·司各脫關於範疇的學說和意義的理論》。在弗萊堡大學任教期間,他參加鬍塞爾主持的研究班。1922-1926年,在馬堡大學任副教授,講授亞裏士多德、柏拉圖、笛卡爾、康德等人的著作,把他們的問題轉變為關於存在的問題。1927年,為晉升教授職稱,發錶未完手稿《存在與時間》。據說,當這本書送到教育部審查時,部長的評語是“不閤格”。但就是這樣一本被官員判定為不閤格的書成為20世紀最重要的哲學著作之一。1928年,海德格爾接替鬍塞爾,任弗萊堡哲學講座教授。納粹運動興起後,他參加瞭納粹黨,並於1933年4月-1934年2月任弗萊堡大學校長。因為他與納粹的這段牽連,1945-1951年期間,法國占領軍當局禁止他授課。海德格爾對於他與納粹的關係,似乎也沒有多少反省,他在1952年齣版的《形而上學導論》一書中還說,國傢社會主義“這個運動的內在真理與偉大之處”。海德格爾與納粹之間的聯係,在西方哲學界和新聞界多次成為熱門話題。盡管海德格爾參與納粹運動是他的曆史汙點,但不能因此說他的哲學就是納粹思想的反映。後來的反納粹的存在主義者也能從海德格爾的著作中受到啓發和鼓舞。這些事實錶明,一個偉大的哲學傢的思想往往要比他在某一階段的政治觀點有更遠的意義。海德格爾後期講授赫拉剋利特、巴門尼德及萊布尼茨、尼采等人的著作,研究語言、藝術(詩)以及技術等問題。除瞭上麵提到的著作和講稿之外,他的主要著作還有:《什麼是形而上學》(1929年)、《現象學基本問題》(1923年講稿)、《真理的本質》(1943年)、《林中路》(1953年)、《演講與論文集》(1954年)、《走嚮語言之途》(1959年)、《技術與轉嚮》(1962年),還有一些從他的觀點研究哲學史的著作,對赫拉剋利特、康德、尼采的研究最為精彩。
The publication in 1927 of Martin Heidegger's magnum opus signaled an intellectual event of the first order and had an impact in fields far beyond that of philosophy proper. Being and Time has long been recognized as a landmark work of the twentieth century for its original analyses of the character of philosophic inquiry and the relation of the possibility of such inquiry to the human situation. Still provocative and much disputed, Heidegger's text has been taken as the inspiration for a variety of innovative movements in fields ranging from psychoanalysis, literary theory, and existentialism to ethics, hermeneutics, and theology. A work that disturbs the traditions of philosophizing that it inherits, Being and Time raises questions about the end of philosophy and the possibilities for thinking liberated from the presumptions of metaphysics.
The Stambaugh translation captures the vitality of the language and thinking animating Heidegger's original text. It is also the most comprehensive edition insofar as it includes the marginal notes made by Heidegger in his own copy of Being and Time, and takes into account the many changes that he made in the final German edition of 1976. The revisions to the original translation correct ambiguities and problems that have become apparent since the translation first appeared. Bracketed German words have also been liberally inserted both to clarify and highlight words and connections that are difficult to translate, and to link this translation more closely to the German text. This definitive edition will serve the needs of scholars well acquainted with Heidegger's work and of students approaching Heidegger for the first time.
【按语:构成海德格尔(1889-1976)的《存在与时间》思想基石的或许有四个知识谱系:胡塞尔的现象学方法;德国古典哲学(康德、费希特、谢林、黑格尔等)的超-知性传统;Dunn Scotus、威廉的奥卡姆的唯意志论和路德神学(借着Scotus的存在概念,更可以溯源到亚里士多德和阿奎那...
評分王阳明在《传习录》中的一个核心概念便是良知,而海德格尔在《存在与时间》中也花了不少篇幅探讨良知,本文的目的就是要考察此二种良知究竟有何异同。而这种考察对于我们跟深入地理解阳明先生的良知是很有帮助的。 王阳明所说的“良知”究其来源,就是孟子所说的“人之所不学...
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