Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Second Edition 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Second Edition

Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni 作者
Chapman and Hall/CRC
2010-1-12 出版日期
544 页数
GBP 82.99 价格
9781439808757 图书编码

Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Second Edition 在线电子书 图书标签: 随机过程  运筹  Kulkarni  2015   

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Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Second Edition 在线电子书 用户评价


好吧,五月读完的第一本书是这货……而且真是字斟句酌地读完了。可说的故事也算是不少,本来要是根红苗正走统计路线的话就没必要读它了,不过误打误撞选了stochastic modeling这门课又误打误撞续了第二学期,尽管最后依然不会考这门的CWE,转了一圈又回到了统计的路上。第一学期是土耳其萌神Ziya教,第二学期是作者本人Kulkarni教,编排还不错可惜彻底是为运筹设计的一套体系,所以以后不会继续深入学的话可能有些知识很快就忘掉了。这本书另一个很神奇的地方是typo极多,用的第二版,修订的错误少说有两百个吧,没发现的地方还有更多……考完了这科的期末,打印出的电子版装了满满两个文件夹(并不是什么值得效仿的事),这本书也算是陪我度过了在北卡的第一个学年吧。


好吧,五月读完的第一本书是这货……而且真是字斟句酌地读完了。可说的故事也算是不少,本来要是根红苗正走统计路线的话就没必要读它了,不过误打误撞选了stochastic modeling这门课又误打误撞续了第二学期,尽管最后依然不会考这门的CWE,转了一圈又回到了统计的路上。第一学期是土耳其萌神Ziya教,第二学期是作者本人Kulkarni教,编排还不错可惜彻底是为运筹设计的一套体系,所以以后不会继续深入学的话可能有些知识很快就忘掉了。这本书另一个很神奇的地方是typo极多,用的第二版,修订的错误少说有两百个吧,没发现的地方还有更多……考完了这科的期末,打印出的电子版装了满满两个文件夹(并不是什么值得效仿的事),这本书也算是陪我度过了在北卡的第一个学年吧。


I used this book in a graduate course on Stochastic processes. It has concentrated on the modeling aspect a lot. But if you lack a little basics or aren't comfortable with the Probability & Statistics, you would have to study them first and then acquire this. This book takes it for granted that you are thorough with your basics.


I used this book in a graduate course on Stochastic processes. It has concentrated on the modeling aspect a lot. But if you lack a little basics or aren't comfortable with the Probability & Statistics, you would have to study them first and then acquire this. This book takes it for granted that you are thorough with your basics.


I used this book in a graduate course on Stochastic processes. It has concentrated on the modeling aspect a lot. But if you lack a little basics or aren't comfortable with the Probability & Statistics, you would have to study them first and then acquire this. This book takes it for granted that you are thorough with your basics.

Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Second Edition 在线电子书 著者简介

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Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Second Edition 在线电子书 图书描述

This practical and accessible text enables readers from engineering, business, operations research, public policy and computer science to analyze stochastic systems. Emphasizing the modeling of real-life situations with stochastic elements and analyzing the resulting stochastic model, it presents the major cases of useful stochastic processes-discrete and continuous time Markov chains, renewal processes, regenerative processes, and Markov regenerative processes.The author provides reader-friendly yet rigorous coverage. He follows a set pattern of development for each class of stochastic processes and introduces Markov chains before renewal processes, so that readers can begin modeling systems early. He demonstrates both numerical and analytical solution methods in detail and dedicates a separate chapter to queueing applications.Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems includes numerous worked examples and exercises, conveniently categorized as modeling, computational, or conceptual and making difficult concepts easy to grasp. Taking a practical approach to working with stochastic models, this book helps readers to model and analyze the increasingly complex and interdependent systems made possible by recent advances.

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