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On China

Henry Kissinger 作者
Allen Lane
2011-5-17 出版日期
608 页数
USD 56.75 价格
9781846143465 图书编码

On China 在线电子书 图书标签: 外交  基辛格  历史  中美关系  中国  政治  国际关系  美国   

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On China 在线电子书 用户评价




斯时已逝,其后是漫长的、漫长的告别。。 BTW,这本书前后算是看得最久的了,基本都是在飞机或是火车上读的。-_-


感谢小平同志 不然我们现在真的不知道过着怎么样的生活 最后一章对于中美两国的发展方向的看法 到现在仍旧适用





On China 在线电子书 著者简介

Henry Kissinger served as National Security Advisor and then Secretary of State under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and has advised many other American presidents on foreign policy. He received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Medal of Liberty, among other awards. He is the author of numerous books and articles on foreign policy and diplomacy, and is currently Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc., an international consulting firm.

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On China 在线电子书 图书描述

For more than twenty years after the Communist Revolution in 1949, China and most of the western world had no diplomats in each others' capitals and no direct way to communicate. Then, in July 1971, Henry Kissinger arrived secretly in Beijing on a mission which quickly led to the reopening of relations between China and the West and changed the course of post-war history.

For the past forty years, Kissinger has maintained close relations with successive generations of Chinese leaders, and has probably been more intimately connected with China at the highest level than any other western figure. This book distils his unique experience and long study of the 'Middle Kingdom', examining China's history from the classical era to the present day, and explaining why it has taken the extraordinary course that it has.

The book concentrates on the decades since 1949, presenting brilliantly drawn portraits of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and other Chinese leaders, and reproducing verbatim Kissinger's conversations with each of them. But Kissinger's eye rarely leaves the long continuum of Chinese history: he describes the essence of China's approach to diplomacy, strategy and negotiation, and the remarkable ways in which Communist-era statesmen have drawn on methods honed over millennia. At the end of the book, Kissinger reflects on these attitudes for our own era of economic interdependence and an uncertain future.

On China is written with great authority, complete accessibility and with many wider reflections on statecraft and diplomacy distilled from years of experience. At a moment when the rest of the world is thinking about China more than ever before, this timely book offers insights that no other can.

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On China 在线电子书 读后感



非虚构类,《论中国 》中文有译本,不过有删节。英文名称:on china,作者亨利·基辛格 。 有人觉得写的浅,我不赞同,事实上,这本书写的非常好。我曾试图寻找中国建国后的外交史方面的图书,可惜,一本喜欢的都没有。而这本书,我认为是目前中国最好的外交史图书。当然这本...  


非虚构类,《论中国 》中文有译本,不过有删节。英文名称:on china,作者亨利·基辛格 。 有人觉得写的浅,我不赞同,事实上,这本书写的非常好。我曾试图寻找中国建国后的外交史方面的图书,可惜,一本喜欢的都没有。而这本书,我认为是目前中国最好的外交史图书。当然这本...  


权力是最好的春药。——基辛格 这是我对这个老头的最深的第一印象。可见美国政治家也是爱说骚话的。尤其是拜读了此书之后,在他开诚布公地批判了美国的普世价值推广理想主义之后,了解他是个高度务实的现实主义者之后,当年的中美世界精英(毛、邓、尼克松,里根,布什等)的全...  


读书要有自己的思考 翻开这本厚厚的书,这是一个多次与中国接触的美国外交官写的对于中国近百年来的历史以及他对于中国几个领导人的认识。 分析清朝末期到建国以来中国的特性,作者主要有一个观点:中华民族从来都有强烈的民族自豪感,我们就是地球的中心,这源于我们深厚的文...  

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