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One Day

David Nicholls 作者
2011-5-24 出版日期
448 頁數
USD 14.95 價格
9780307946713 圖書編碼

One Day 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 愛情  小說  外國文學  安妮海瑟薇  英文原版  同名電影  英國  畢業季開始的愛情   

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15 July. St Swithin's Day. Arthur's Seat. 'Live each day as if it's your last', it just wasn't practical. Better by far to simply try and be good and courageous and bold and to make a difference. Not change the world exactly, but the bit around you. Go out there with your passion and your electric typewriter and work hard at...something.




I've been obssessed with someone for many years as Emma did. However, at a certain point I saw through him and made up my mind to move on. Up to now, I've been living a blissful life.


It's always so nice to go back and find out where the story started in the end of everything. We all once were at the life point of finishing the collage and there was a brand new future in front of us, we planed what we were going to do, who we were going to love, and meanwhile wanted to stay in the dreaming past . But we were wrong, we never can



One Day 在線電子書 著者簡介

David Nicholls trained as an actor before making the switch to writing. He is the author of two previous novels—Starter For Ten and The Understudy. He has also written many screenplays for film and television, including the feature film adaptation of Starter For Ten and One Day. He lives in London.

One Day 在線電子書 著者簡介

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One Day 在線電子書 圖書描述

Emma Morley and Dexter Mayhew, casual acquaintances during their university years, spend graduation night together. It’s July 15, 1988, and their futures are up in the air. Dexter, the handsome, confident son of a well-to-do family, knows only that he wants “to be successful. . . . to live life to the extreme, but without any mess or complications” [p. 9]. Emma is determined to stay true to her left-leaning passions and ideals though she has little idea of how she’ll do it. They part the next day with vague promises to keep in touch as Dexter sets off to travel the world and Emma returns to her working-class family in Leeds to figure out what she’ll do next. Over the next twenty years, they’ll think about each other, sometimes to meet and reignite a relationship that neither can give up nor explain. One Day revisits Dexter and Emma every year on the anniversary of their first night together. Each July 15th becomes a snapshot of a particular time and place, offering an irresistible and often hilarious chronicle of the lovers they acquire, the careers they pursue, the culture that influences them, and the opportunities they embrace or squander. As their stories unfold, David Nicholls brilliantly explores the interplay of character and fate that shape our lives. Emma Morley和Dexter Mayhew在大學中偶然相識,共同度過瞭他們的畢業之夜。那是1988年7月15日,兩人的未來都懸而未決。Dexter這個來自於富裕傢庭的自信、英俊的男孩,隻知道他未來的夢想是“想要成功…過刺激的生活、但不要有混亂和麯摺。”Emma決定麵對自己左傾的熱情和夢想,但她也不知道該做些什麼。第二天他們分開,Dexter去環遊世界、Emma返迴自己在英國利茲的工薪階層傢庭思考未來做些什麼,在分彆前二人模糊地約定保持聯絡。在接下來的20年中,兩人掛念著彼此,有時見麵重燃這種既不能割捨又難以解釋的關係。 《一天》記錄瞭Dexter和Emma兩人在20年的跨度之中是如何度過7月15日——他們的紀念日——這一天的。每年的7月15日就像一個特定時空的快照,為我們展示瞭他們的戀人、事業、周邊環境、獲得或者是浪費掉的機會的編年史,使觀眾被深深吸引、經常忍俊不禁。隨著他們故事的展開,我們看到瞭性格和命運會如何塑造我們的生活。

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One Day 在線電子書 讀後感


相爱的人,一生能错过多少回? 相爱的人,若只有一次机会,一生还能错过多少回? 相爱的人,若有一百次机会,一生又能错过多少回? 一遍一遍,我痴痴地问自己,问文字,问德克和爱玛。 我知道我没有答案。 感动。难过。沉默。忧伤……  


我承认我被电影里帅的不食人间烟火的Dex弄的失眠,看完电影满床打滚被朋朋翻白眼,好不容易找到原书走路的时候都举着kindle,眼睛都不眨直到把书读完。 很没骨气也很没志气。 普通Slide一般的电影设置辜负了海报给我的惊艳。我早就想好,如果能自己DIY房间墙纸,就一定要平铺...  


花了一个半月看完了原版。这是继大三寒假看完Jane Eyre之后坚持看完的第二本原版书。之前看电影的时候就超级想看原著的,终于做到啦~ 总体来说,电影很忠实于原著。读起来不是很艰涩,作者用了很多通感的手法(我居然还记得这个修辞= =),词句很美。描写最后Emma车祸后的那个...  


人的一生不知道有多少天是虚度的,时光匆匆,以加速度向前。可是生命中的一些时刻,是值得去企盼去回忆的。有些人,始终住在你心底里。也许自己有时候会迷失,也许有时候不情愿承认。但最后,当你能够面对这一切的时候,会坦然和欣慰。 如果那天dex没有在毕业那天遇到...  


花了很长时间看完这本书,比电影好看太多太多。 或许是作者的另一职业是编剧,即使读的英文版,也毫不费力,指尖翻动的一页页就好像photo-montage一般互相交错,轻舞飞扬。 男主Dex,花花公子,滥情,把Em对他的爱当做理所应当。而女主Em至始至终都爱着Dex,不断地和他交集,然...  

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