The Fall of the Ottomans 在线电子书 图书标签: 历史 奥斯曼帝国 一战 一战史 英文 帝国史 Rogan 英语
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评分The First World War was a turning point of world history, and it dictated the course of 20 century in a way could hardly be underestimated. But most of the history we read focused on the European battlegrounds, and a century later we suddenly realized the war in the near east front may surpass the one in the west to become a more significant even..
评分The First World War was a turning point of world history, and it dictated the course of 20 century in a way could hardly be underestimated. But most of the history we read focused on the European battlegrounds, and a century later we suddenly realized the war in the near east front may surpass the one in the west to become a more significant even..
Eugene Rogan is a Fellow of St. Antony’s College and lectures in the Modern History of the Middle East at the University of Oxford. The author of The Arabs, Rogan lives in Oxford, England.
In 1914 the Ottoman Empire was depleted of men and resources after years of war against Balkan nationalist and Italian forces. But in the aftermath of the assassination in Sarajevo, the powers of Europe were sliding inexorably toward war, and not even the Middle East could escape the vast and enduring consequences of one of the most destructive conflicts in human history. The Great War spelled the end of the Ottomans, unleashing powerful forces that would forever change the face of the Middle East.
In The Fall of the Ottomans, award-winning historian Eugene Rogan brings the First World War and its immediate aftermath in the Middle East to vivid life, uncovering the often ignored story of the region’s crucial role in the conflict. Bolstered by German money, arms, and military advisors, the Ottomans took on the Russian, British, and French forces, and tried to provoke Jihad against the Allies in their Muslim colonies. Unlike the static killing fields of the Western Front, the war in the Middle East was fast-moving and unpredictable, with the Turks inflicting decisive defeats on the Entente in Gallipoli, Mesopotamia, and Gaza before the tide of battle turned in the Allies’ favor. The great cities of Baghdad, Jerusalem, and, finally, Damascus fell to invading armies before the Ottomans agreed to an armistice in 1918.
The postwar settlement led to the partition of Ottoman lands between the victorious powers, and laid the groundwork for the ongoing conflicts that continue to plague the modern Arab world. A sweeping narrative of battles and political intrigue from Gallipoli to Arabia, The Fall of the Ottomans is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the Great War and the making of the modern Middle East.
我们通常将一战定义为欧洲帝国主义分赃不均引起的不义战,留给后人最深刻的记忆莫过于凡尔登绞肉机、索姆河大战、十月革命、巴黎和会等等。但是,这场大战的另外一个主战场——奥斯曼帝国却一再被人忽视。了解事实之前, 大家对“西亚病夫”的表现也并未报什么期待,最多不过是...
评分奥斯曼帝国在一战前的情况和中国很相似,帝国已经到了岌岌可危的地步,有志之士寻求富国强兵的变革之路,所谓有志之士,多数都是现有体制下不得志的人员。 而帝国的既得利益者,当然不会轻易去妥协。 这时候就产生了冲突,而冲突的结果只能是一方消灭另一方,这就是所谓的革命...
评分作者讲故事的能力还是相当不错的,在不算长的篇幅里把一战中东的故事和各族命运描绘的非常清晰。帝国末年,各族都经历了一轮血的洗礼。 一、奥斯曼帝国 和穷途末路的“东亚病夫”大清帝国相比,“西亚病夫”奥斯曼帝国相似点自然很多,不同之处也不少: 1、帝国末年,总有一群...
评分 评分欧亚分界线,博斯普鲁斯海峡,蓝色土耳其总是给人无限的遐想。曾经看过土耳其作家帕慕克的一本书:伊斯坦布尔,一座城市的记忆。里面流露出一丝淡淡的忧伤。帕慕克在感叹帝国辉煌的一去不返。如果了解到奥斯曼帝国曾经的辉煌,就会理解帕慕克为什么有着荣光不再的感叹。 作为一...
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