Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 在線電子書 圖書標籤: JavaScript Web 前端 計算機 Programming Web前端 編程 2012
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
評分終於看完瞭,花瞭兩個多月的時間。這應該是我目前看完的最厚的原版書瞭,除去目錄什麼的幾乎900頁。雖然是2012年齣版的,但此書依然是學習JavaScript和前端開發必讀的一本。我做前端已經有兩年瞭,還是後悔沒有早讀這本書,很多實際遇到的問題本書都給齣答案瞭。還是那句話,Nicholas C. Zakas的書想都不用想,閉著眼睛買硬著頭皮看,絕對超值!
評分和犀牛書有很多交叉,對ES 5的提及較多
Nicholas C. Zakas(尼古拉斯•澤卡斯)世界頂級Web技術專傢,現為雅虎公司界麵呈現架構師,負責My Yahoo!和雅虎首頁等大訪問量站點的設計。尼古拉斯擁有豐富的Web開發和界麵設計經驗,曾經參與許多世界級大公司的Web解決方案開發。他還是High Performance JavaScript一書的作者,並與他人閤作撰寫瞭Professional Ajax和Even Faster Web Sites。尼古拉斯擁有梅裏馬剋學院計算機科學學士學位和埃迪柯特學院的MBA學位。他的個人網站是,他的Twitter彆名是@slicknet。
This book provides a developer-level introduction along with more advanced and useful features of JavaScript. Coverage includes: JavaScript use with HTML to create dynamic webpages, language concepts including syntax and flow control statementsvariable handling given their loosely typed naturebuilt-in reference types such as object and arrayobject-oriented programingpowerful aspects of function expressionsBrowser Object Model allowing interaction with the browser itselfdetecting the client and its capabilitiesDocument Object Model (DOM) objects available in DOM Level 1how DOM Levels 2 and 3 augmented the DOMevents, legacy support, and how the DOM redefined how events should workenhancing form interactions and working around browser limitationsusing the tag to create on-the-fly graphicsJavaScript API changes in HTML5how browsers handle JavaScript errors and error handlingfeatures of JavaScript used to read and manipulate XML datathe JSON data format as an alternative to XMLAjax techniques including the use of XMLHttpRequest object and CORScomplex patterns including function currying, partial function application, and dynamic functionsoffline detection and storing data on the client machinetechniques for JavaScript in an enterprise environment for better maintainability
This book is aimed at three groups of readers: Experienced object-oriented programming developers looking to learn JavaScript as it relates to traditional OO languages such as Java and C++; Web application developers attempting to enhance site usability; novice JavaScript developers.
Nicholas C. Zakas worked with the Web for over a decade. He has worked on corporate intranet applications used by some of the largest companies in the world and large-scale consumer websites such as MyYahoo! and the Yahoo! homepage. He regularly gives talks at companies and conferences regarding front-end best practices and new technology.
对于初学者,有许多人推荐这两本书:一本是《JavaScript权威指南》(第六版),一本是这本。 这两本书我都有,刚开始时是对照着看的。但我最终把大部分时间都花在这本书上了,《权威指南》则被冷落了。 两本书都是盛名之下,所以我说的是这本书更好。 1. 译者 如果你像我一...
評分美好的语言,糟糕的实现。为了商业利益,置标准为草芥,浏览器大战的后遗症,就是再好的语言,它们都给你最糟糕的实现。 这本书在一定程度上是解决浏览器之间的差异,并使用趋近“标准”的代码来教学。值得一读。
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025