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The Dispossessed

Ursula K. Le Guin 作者
1994-12-1 出版日期
400 页数
USD 7.99 价格
Mass Market Paperback
9780061054884 图书编码

The Dispossessed 在线电子书 图书标签: 科幻  乌托邦反乌托邦  科幻小说  ursula·le·guin  小说  Sci-Fi  厄休拉·勒奎恩  乌托邦   

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"You cannot buy the revolution, you cannot make the revolution, you can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere."






一开始以为是影射美国和苏联的,真是太小看勒古恩了。是政体讨论寓言,也是科幻小说。关键词:wall, possess, dispossess, freedom, circle。有意思的是,作者是西方文化背景,对U星的批判毫不留情,而我在某主义实验过的地方长大,则对A星抱有深刻的怀疑。当然,U星和A星都是模型和浓缩,不能直接对应。不过我蛮喜欢男主的,他其实很难塑造,因为他是个真正自由的人,不为任何外物possess的人。希望他回去后没有被乱石砸死。在勒古恩的小说里可能不会,在现实中绝对会。神奇的是,我好像看懂了书里的物理学时空理论(其实并没有)。

The Dispossessed 在线电子书 著者简介

Ursula K. Le Guin published twenty-two novels, eleven volumes of short stories, four collections of essays, twelve books for children, six volumes of poetry and four of translation, and has received many awards: Hugo, Nebula, National Book Award, PEN-Malamud, etc. Her recent publications include the novel Lavinia, an essay collection, Cheek by Jowl, and The Wild Girls. She lived in Portland, Oregon.

She was known for her treatment of gender (The Left Hand of Darkness, The Matter of Seggri), political systems (The Telling, The Dispossessed) and difference/otherness in any other form. Her interest in non-Western philosophies was reflected in works such as "Solitude" and The Telling but even more interesting are her imagined societies, often mixing traits extracted from her profound knowledge of anthropology acquired from growing up with her father, the famous anthropologist, Alfred Kroeber. The Hainish Cycle reflects the anthropologist's experience of immersing themselves in new strange cultures since most of their main characters and narrators (Le Guin favoured the first-person narration) are envoys from a humanitarian organization, the Ekumen, sent to investigate or ally themselves with the people of a different world and learn their ways.

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The Dispossessed 在线电子书 图书描述

Shevek, a brilliant physicist, decides to take action. he will seek answers, question the unquestionable, and attempt to tear down the walls of hatred that have isolated his planet of anarchists from the rest of the civilized universe. To do this dangerous task will mean giving up his family and possibly his life. Shevek must make the unprecedented journey to the utopian mother planet, Anarres, to challenge the complex structures of life and living, and ignite the fires of change.

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The Dispossessed 在线电子书 读后感


我很好奇竟然有人认为这本书写得是社会主义(共产主义)与资本主义的争论。如果真的是这样的话那这本书连两星都不值。 这本书的成书年代是上世纪七十年代初,正值苏联最强大的年代。而在经历了二十年的高速发展,开展了各种各样的一大堆运动之后,美国社会展开了对社会制度的...  


其实也是我全书中最喜欢的片段之一 “完满,谢维克想,是针对时间而言的概念。对感官乐趣的追逐是循环的、重复的,不在时间范畴之内...对刺激...的不同追求只会得到同样的结果...它不是出发和归来,而是一个封闭的循环、一间锁住的屋子,一间牢房。 这间锁住的屋子外...  



勒古恩在45岁时所写的《一无所有》(Dispossessed),令28岁的我心悦诚服。 它不像《黑暗的左手》(The Left Hand of Darkness)那么充满诗意,对社会制度和人性的探讨,更加哲理,也更为思辨。少年时代不能完全理解她的诗意,这就使得,即便去年重看了,也未能完全沉浸其中。...  


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