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Tuesdays with Morrie

Mitch Albom 作者
Broadway Books
2002-10-20 出版日期
192 頁數
GBP 12.95 價格
9780767905923 圖書編碼

Tuesdays with Morrie 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 人生  英文原版  勵誌  英文  小說  Morrie  英文書  English   

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"Death is as natural as life. It's part of the deal we made." ——<Tuesdays with Morrie> by Mitch Albom. 「這本書看完時候 很想大哭一場 太好看太感動瞭 力薦」


1.You are not a wave, you're part of the ocean. 2.Have you ever really had a teacher? One who saw you as a raw precious thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine? If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers, you will always find your way back.


To Life, with tears.


1.You are not a wave, you're part of the ocean. 2.Have you ever really had a teacher? One who saw you as a raw precious thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine? If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers, you will always find your way back.

Tuesdays with Morrie 在線電子書 著者簡介

米奇·阿爾博姆(1959- ),美國著名專欄作塚,電颱主持,電視評論員,此外還是活躍的慈善活動傢。迄今為止,阿爾博姆已齣版九部暢銷著作,其中紀實作品《相約星期二》在全美各大圖書暢銷排行榜上停留四年之久,被譯成包括中文在內的三十一種文字,全球纍計銷量超過一韆一百萬冊。2003年,阿爾博姆六年磨一劍的小說《你在天堂裏遇見的五個人》將“星期二神話”繼續延伸,迄今已纍計售齣八百萬冊。


Tuesdays with Morrie 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Tuesdays with Morrie 在線電子書 圖書描述

It’s been ten years since Mitch Albom first shared the wisdom of Morrie Schwartz with the world. Now–twelve million copies later–in a new afterword, Mitch Albom reflects again on the meaning of Morrie’s life lessons and the gentle, irrevocable impact of their Tuesday sessions all those years ago. . .


Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, helped you see the world as a more profound place, gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it.

For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago.

Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded, and the world seemed colder. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you, receive wisdom for your busy life today the way you once did when you were younger?

Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying, Morrie visited with Mitch in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final “class”: lessons in how to live.

Tuesdays with Morrie is a magical chronicle of their time together, through which Mitch shares Morrie's lasting gift with the world.

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Tuesdays with Morrie 在線電子書 讀後感


一口气看完这本书之后的很久,还能清楚地记得书开始的时候列举的关于这一门课的要求。没有课本。教室在教授的书房。主题是生命的意义。没有考试。课后拥抱你的教授或在他额头上亲吻可以给你赢得额外的学分。 这是怎样的一门课。一位老者用自己生命的最后十四个星期的时间向他...  


两年前的生日,朋友送了我一本Tuesdays with Morrie,并对我说了句"you have to read this"。这本书静静地躺在我的书架上,有时候难免有点引人注目,毕竟我的英文书非常少。炎炎八月,北京的天空时阴时晴,窗外的叶子依然是那么地绿,秋天终究还有点遥远,许是想给自己找点力量...  




一口气看完这本书之后的很久,还能清楚地记得书开始的时候列举的关于这一门课的要求。没有课本。教室在教授的书房。主题是生命的意义。没有考试。课后拥抱你的教授或在他额头上亲吻可以给你赢得额外的学分。 这是怎样的一门课。一位老者用自己生命的最后十四个星期的时间向他...  


生活是持续不断的前进和后退。你想做某一件事,可你又注定要去做另一件事。你受到了伤害,可你知道你不该受伤害。你把某些事情视作理所当然,尽管你知道不该这么做。反向力,就像是橡皮筋上的移动。我们大多数生活在它的中间。最后哪一方会赢?爱会赢。爱是永远的胜者。 许多人...  

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