What the CEO Wants You to Know 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

What the CEO Wants You to Know

Ram Charan 作者
Crown Business
2001-2-13 出版日期
141 頁數
USD 22.00 價格
9780609608395 圖書編碼

What the CEO Wants You to Know 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 管理  領導力  商業  business  acumen  思維  basic  ,   

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What the CEO Wants You to Know 在線電子書 用戶評價


Required reading material by professor. Pretty straightforward with business models extracted from companies such as Dell, Apple, GM etc. Mainly stressing on 5 areas of business acumen, which are cash generation, margin, velocity, return on assets and growth. A pretty quick digested book.


是FYI上Business Acumen這一條的推薦書目,一個100來頁的小冊子,分彆介紹瞭“瞭解生意現狀的方法”和“領導者所需要具備的化繁為簡的能力”。通過把大公司和街頭小販的買賣做對比,幫助讀者用常識更好地在生意中抓住重點。是一本值得花時間,幫助整理頭腦的書,講得都是大實話。


是FYI上Business Acumen這一條的推薦書目,一個100來頁的小冊子,分彆介紹瞭“瞭解生意現狀的方法”和“領導者所需要具備的化繁為簡的能力”。通過把大公司和街頭小販的買賣做對比,幫助讀者用常識更好地在生意中抓住重點。是一本值得花時間,幫助整理頭腦的書,講得都是大實話。


3 basic parts of money making


是FYI上Business Acumen這一條的推薦書目,一個100來頁的小冊子,分彆介紹瞭“瞭解生意現狀的方法”和“領導者所需要具備的化繁為簡的能力”。通過把大公司和街頭小販的買賣做對比,幫助讀者用常識更好地在生意中抓住重點。是一本值得花時間,幫助整理頭腦的書,講得都是大實話。

What the CEO Wants You to Know 在線電子書 著者簡介

What the CEO Wants You to Know 在線電子書 著者簡介

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What the CEO Wants You to Know 在線電子書 圖書描述

The universal laws of business success . . . no matter whether you are selling fruit from a stand or running a Fortune 500 company.

Have you ever noticed that the business savvy of the world's best CEOs seems like a kind of street smarts? They sense where the opportunities are and how to take advantage of them. And their companies make money consistently, year after year.

How different is it to run a big company than to sell fruit from a cart or run a small shop in a village? In essence, not very, according to Ram Charan. From his childhood in India, where he worked in his family's shoe shop, to his education at Harvard Business School and his daily work advising many of the world's best CEOs, Ram understands business as few can.

The best CEOs have a knack for bringing the most complex business down to the fundamentals -- the same fundamentals of the family shoe shop. They have business acumen -- the ability to focus on the basics and make money for the company.

What the CEO Wants You to Know captures these insights and explains in clear, simple language how to do what great CEOs do instinctively and persistently:

* Understand the basic building blocks of a business and use them to figure out how your company makes money and operates as a total business.

* Decide what to do, despite the clutter of day-to-day business and the complexity of the real world.

Many people spend more than a hundred thousand dollars on an MBA without learning to pull these pieces of the puzzle together. Many others lack a formal business education and feel shut out from the executive suite. What the CEO Wants You to Know takes the mystery out of business and shows the secrets of success used by business legends like Jack Welch of GE.

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