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Long Walk to Freedom

Nelson Mandela 作者
Back Bay Books
1995-10-1 出版日期
656 頁數
USD 18.00 價格
9780316548182 圖書編碼

Long Walk to Freedom 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 傳記  Nelson_Mandela  南非  曼德拉  freedom  自由  自傳  英語   

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沒意識到正在讀的是最早的1995年的第一版。 5個字評論:我還會再讀。 一邊重讀曼德拉的自傳,一邊捧起更厚的經曼德拉授權的傳記‘Mandela, the Authorised Biography',從他人寫的傳記中讀到瞭更豐富的內容。 舉個栗子,曼德拉本人的自傳中,一完全沒有提及古巴的卡斯特羅,二幾乎沒有多少談論毛澤東。而這本傳記,從無數文獻資料來源中,發現此二人對曼德拉的産生瞭巨大的影響,不亞於在南非留下過印記的聖雄甘地。 從這本書中,可以更完整地從旁觀者的角度觀察瞭解曼德拉的思想和其變化,認識到他本人自傳中對自己談論不詳的方麵。 對照閱讀後産生猜測,曼德拉在自傳時是否隱藏瞭些什麼?


沒意識到正在讀的是最早的1995年的第一版。 5個字評論:我還會再讀。 一邊重讀曼德拉的自傳,一邊捧起更厚的經曼德拉授權的傳記‘Mandela, the Authorised Biography',從他人寫的傳記中讀到瞭更豐富的內容。 舉個栗子,曼德拉本人的自傳中,一完全沒有提及古巴的卡斯特羅,二幾乎沒有多少談論毛澤東。而這本傳記,從無數文獻資料來源中,發現此二人對曼德拉的産生瞭巨大的影響,不亞於在南非留下過印記的聖雄甘地。 從這本書中,可以更完整地從旁觀者的角度觀察瞭解曼德拉的思想和其變化,認識到他本人自傳中對自己談論不詳的方麵。 對照閱讀後産生猜測,曼德拉在自傳時是否隱藏瞭些什麼?





Long Walk to Freedom 在線電子書 著者簡介

納爾遜•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela,1918—2013),南非第一位黑人總統,世界最著名的精神領袖和政治領袖之一,20世紀最傳奇的自由鬥士,南非非洲人國民大會前主席。1993年獲諾貝爾和平奬;2004年被選為“最偉大的南非人”;自2010年起,聯閤國為錶彰曼德拉對和平與自由作齣的貢獻,將其生日7月18日定為“曼德拉國際日”。

Long Walk to Freedom 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Long Walk to Freedom 在線電子書 圖書描述

The famously taciturn South African president reveals much of himself in Long Walk to Freedom. A good deal of this autobiography was written secretly while Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years on Robben Island by South Africa's apartheid regime. Among the book's interesting revelations is Mandela's ambivalence toward his lifetime of devotion to public works. It cost him two marriages and kept him distant from a family life he might otherwise have cherished. Long Walk to Freedom also discloses a strong and generous spirit that refused to be broken under the most trying circumstances--a spirit in which just about everybody can find something to admire.

Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and the first democratically elected president of South Africa, Mandela began his autobiography during the course of his 27 years in prison.

Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.

This is an articulate, moving account of Mandela's life from his "country childhood" following his birth on July 18, 1918 to his inauguration as president of South Africa on May 10, 1994. Mandela traces the growth of his understanding of the oppression of the blacks of South Africa; his conviction that there was no alternative to armed struggle; his developing belief that all people, black and white, must be free for true freedom; and the effect that his commitment to overthrowing apartheid had on his family, who "paid a terrible price." Over a third of Mandela's memoir tells of his 27 years in prison, an account that could stand alone as a prison narrative. He ends his book with the conclusion that his "long walk" for freedom has just begun: "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." Highly recommended for all collections.

--Maidel Cason, Univ. of Delaware Lib., Newark

Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Reprising his award-winning role from the HBO movie, "Mandela," Danny Glover reads the personal story of the South African leader who influenced the repeal of Apartheid. The mellifluous gentleness and earnestness of Glover's narration brings to life the eloquence of Mandela's words recounting his experiences: his student activism; his role in the formation of the African National Congress; his spearheading of mass action in the defiance campaigns; and his 10,000 days of imprisonment. The recording fervently captures Mandela's travails and ultimate triumph with the atmosphere underscored by South African music, cheering throngs and the voice of Mandela being sworn in as president. K.J.S. (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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Long Walk to Freedom 在線電子書 讀後感


"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" 是电影《成事在人》中,曼德拉自我自己和激励别人的一句诗词,而这句话贯穿了很多人的生命,特别是伟人。 世上没有救世主,唯一能救自己的,只有自己。 44岁到71岁的27年牢狱之旅中,曼德拉有无数种可能和选择,特...  




前 言 勇者曼德拉自传的创作本身就充满着传奇色彩。在狱友瓦尔特•西苏陆和凯西的建议下,曼德拉于1975年在罗本岛狱中开始撰写自己的回忆录。罗本岛监狱当局当时对以曼德拉为首的政治犯管理很严,撰写回忆录只能在秘密状态下进行。开始数周,曼德拉白天去石料厂劳动,晚...  


这本书是曼德拉的自传,这个在非洲土地上将被永远铭记的名字。阅读它,会带给我们许多的启迪,关于斗争,关于坚持,更关于信仰。 如今奥巴马已经是美国历史上第一位黑人总统了,而仅仅在半个多世纪以前,华盛顿还是当时美国种族歧视最为严重的地方。在巴菲特的自传里,...  


几乎是一口气读完的这本书。 对于南非非洲国民大会在抵抗种族隔离中的战斗,我的了解微乎其微,对于战争和斗争一类的事情,我丝毫提不起任何兴趣。 曼德拉在书中娓娓道来,一个普通的孩子,经历很多艰苦和历练,在历史的环境中,渐渐走向了他为之奋斗一生的斗争事业。 他的信仰...  

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