The Childhood of Jesus 在线电子书 图书标签: 小说 文学 南非 J.M.库切 英文原著 库切 J.M.Coetzee Fiction
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这是一个抛去了装饰、不乐于前进的城市,没有目的,没有贪婪,只有善意,秩序,随遇而安,清心寡欲。(难道就没有那么一点,让人向往吗?)可是异乡人西蒙无法洗净身上的记忆与本性与颜色,童年大卫也无法屈服于公用的语言、公用的规范。语言在孩子口中回到了初始的、混沌的、自创的、未经调和的、无需臣服的状态,满嘴跑火车的“妄想”也让不同人眼中的现实的裂缝得到审视。但是对规范的质疑、拒绝承认也意味着隔离、驱逐。书的开头说「Here as opposed to where? There is nowhere else to be but here.」而书的结尾变成了「That's all. Looking for somewhere to stay, to start our new life.」不振奋人心吗?
评分weird twofold way to conceive the Jesus character with social contemplation intertexture.
评分(以下不是书评,就是吐槽)1. 大部分小说跟这个一比就显得粗鄙不堪,太脏了,你瞧这个多干净。干净到纯抖机灵为生的写作者都可以去自挂东南枝(因自己粗鲁地对生活自作聪明的解读而羞耻)。 2. 书里描述了个乌托邦的世界,让人向往又排斥。向往是因为这世界简单,排斥是因为这世界单调。但人物还是对欲望有不同的认知和解决方式,所以并非乏味得无可救药。 3. 这是一本枯燥到非常有趣的小说。(我没能力把这个展开了说,请读了之后意会) 4. 提供一种解读(误读),不负责:这一老一小其实都已经死了,来到死后的国度(还是摆渡来的)。他们带着不可具体化但有同时沉重的记忆,开始了新的生命。后来是真的进入了轮回。 5. 库切老师可牛逼了。无法望加评论这是不是”成仙作“,但据说早已有成仙趋势,得回去多读几本。
评分"'... Now show us how you write. Write, Conviene que yo diga la verdad, I must tell the truth. Write it. Con-viene.' Writing from left to right, forming the letters clearly if slowly, the boy writes: Yo soy la verdad, I am the truth."
评分以为看到现在已经完全掌握了库切,以为再读只是加深理解,不会再遇到完全未知的领域,但这本书就像Giovanni Bellini的Sacred Allegory -- inexplicable, disturbing, not of this world.
After crossing oceans, a man and a boy arrive in a new land. Here they are each assigned a name and an age, and held in a camp in the desert while they learn Spanish, the language of their new country. As Simon and David they make their way to the relocation centre in the city of Novilla, where officialdom treats them politely but not necessarily helpfully.
Simon finds a job in a grain wharf. The work is unfamiliar and backbreaking, but he soon warms to his stevedore comrades, who during breaks conduct philosophical dialogues on the dignity of labour, and generally take him to their hearts.
Now he must set about his task of locating the boy's mother. Though like everyone else who arrives in this new country he seems to be washed clean of all traces of memory, he is convinced he will know her when he sees her. And indeed, while walking with the boy in the countryside Simon catches sight of a woman he is certain is the mother, and persuades her to assume the role.
David's new mother comes to realise that he is an exceptional child, a bright, dreamy boy with highly unusual ideas about the world. But the school authorities detect a rebellious streak in him and insist he be sent to a special school far away. His mother refuses to yield him up, and it is Simon who must drive the car as the trio flees across the mountains.
The Childhood of Jesus is a profound, beautiful and continually surprising novel from a very great writer.
评分 评分我被库切《耶稣的童年》这本书的题目吸引住了,只是无意中一瞥,但本应该忙于其他工作的我还是立即买了这本书来读。读到三分之一的时候想弃书来着,一种说不清道不明的情绪让我一直读完。本来不太习惯写未形成较成熟想法的书评,但这次破例想先留下一点思考。 我倾向于认为库...
评分 评分看编者序的时候,里面有一句话“作者的题目耶稣的童年,连作者也不清楚希望表达的什么意思吧,但是这样的题目却又给了读者无限的想象张力” 看了这句,第一感觉会是一本不知所云瞎叽歪的小说,可是读着读着,却也发现了作者在扑捉人性上面的敏感程度。作者构造了一个新移民的世...
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