How to Think Straight About Psychology 在线电子书 图书标签: 心理学 思维 Psychology 与众不同心理学 心理 思考 科普 英文原版
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作者功底扎实写的不错,但必须指出这是一本科普向的书,与其说是心理学不如说是解释社会科学的基本信念与模式,潜在受众应当是作者所说的layperson。对于已经有社会科学特别是数据经验的读者,不妨直接看最后一种our own worst enemy.
评分More about science in general than about psychology. Maybe it can be viewed as a scientific view of the real psychology
Keith E. Stanovich is currently Emeritus Professor of HumanDevelopment and Applied Psychology at the University of Toronto. Heis the author of over 175 scientific articles and seven books.Stanovich is the 2012 recipient of the E. L. Thorndike CareerAchievement Award from the American Psychological Association andthe recipient of the 2010 Grawemeyer Award in Education. In 2000 hereceived the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from theSociety for the Scientific Study of Reading. Stanovich is a Fellowof the American Psychological Association (Divisions 3, 7, 8, and15) and the Association for Psychological Science.
Teaching students to become better consumers of psychologicalresearch. Keith Stanovich's widely used and highly acclaimed bookpresents a short introduction to the critical thinking skills thatwill help students to better understand the subject matter ofpsychology. How to Think Straight about Psychology, 10e helpsstudents recognize pseudoscience and be able to distinguish it fromtrue psychological research, aiding students to become morediscriminating consumers of psychological information. LearningGoals Upon completing this book, readers should be able to: *Evaluate psychological claims they encounter in the general media.* Distinguish between pseudoscience and true psychologicalresearch. * Apply psychological knowledge to better understandevents in the world around them.
评分花几天时间读完了《与“众”不同的心理学-如何正视心理学》。最近琐事缠身,很少有机会如此流畅地读完一本书。之所以流畅,一方面因为书里讲的多是本专业的知识,以前已经接触过多次,另一方面也是由于作者的文笔通俗,大道理讲的深入浅出的缘故。 如果从研究方法的角度来说...
评分时常有人问我,什么是心理学? . 色彩星座、催眠读心、潜能开发、心理操纵、成功学等等,这些东西是心理学吗? . 心理学是否等同于弗洛伊德?是否专门训练心理咨询师?又是否等同于心灵鸡汤、人生哲理?如果可能,我会推荐他们去看这本书:《这才是心理学》。 . 心理学是一门研...
评分简谈stanovich与《How to Think Straight about Psycology》 Stanovich最被人熟知的作品是《这才是心理学》,但他的理性三部曲才算是他的思想结晶。但不得不说,Stanovich 于我有很多特殊意义。 接触到的第一本stanovich的作品必然是《对伪心理学说不》,这本书让迷茫的我有了...
评分第一次知道斯坦诺维奇的《这才是心理学》,是听闻朋友的择偶标准,要求对方读过这本书,微微惊诧,但如今读罢,恍然,「读过这本书」也纳入了我的择偶标准。 这本书涵盖了现代人对心理学乃至科学常见的误解和迷思,也一一做出了辨析与解答。心理学学科历史短暂,而心理的发展与...
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