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The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci

Jonathan D. Spence 作者
Faber & Faber
1985-4-15 出版日期
350 頁數
GBP 15.00 價格
9780571132393 圖書編碼

The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 史景遷  Christianity    明史  基督教  曆史  利瑪竇  中國   



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The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci 在線電子書 用戶評價


a strangely beautiful book


a strangely beautiful book


a strangely beautiful book


a strangely beautiful book


a strangely beautiful book

The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci 在線電子書 著者簡介

Jonathan D. Spence (Chinese name: 史景遷, August 11, 1936– ) is a British-born historian and public intellectual specializing in Chinese history. He has been Sterling Professor of History at Yale University since 1993. His most famous book is The Search for Modern China, which has become one of the standard texts on the last several hundred years of Chinese history. A prolific author, reviewer, and essayist, his other books include The Death of Woman Wang (1978); The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci (1984); The Question of Hu (1987); Chinese Roundabout: Essays on History and Culture; The Gate of Heavenly Peace: The Chinese and Their Revolution 1895-1980; The Chan's Great Continent: China in Western Minds; and God's Chinese Son (1996). His research often takes him to many Chinese universities.

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The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci 在線電子書 圖書描述

As the first great age of European naval exploration came to an end in the late sixteenth century, merchants and missionaries began to travel to the Far East in search of new markets and new harvests of souls.

One of the most extraordinary of these travellers was Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit who left his native Italy in 1577 and journeyed first to India and then to China, where he lived and worked from 1583 until his death in 1610.

To capture the complex emotional and religious drama of Ricci's life, Jonathan Spence has shifted away from conventional biographical techniques and has placed his subject in a structure of images that Ricci himself composed. One set of these images derives from four crucial moments in the Bible, which Ricci introduced to China by means of wood engravings with his appnded commentaries, one set is found in a book on the art of memory, which Ricci composed in Chinese and circulated among members of the Ming dynasty's elite.

The result is not only a rich and compelling narrative about Ricci's life in Italy, India and China, but also a significant work of global history, in which intellectual, social, military, maritime and religious themes are drawn together, juxtaposing the world of Counter-Reformation Europe with that of Ming China. The Memory Palace that Ricci attempted to describe in print is transformed in Spence's extraordinary book into a frame for Ricci's life and a metaphor for the hopes and fears of a largely forgotten world.

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The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci 在線電子書 讀後感







正好今天同学讲到记忆宫殿,我就顺便给大家安利这本书。 《利玛窦的记忆宫殿》。 从百度找的图,因为书的本尊在我开学搬宿舍的时候污的不成样子了???????????? 如果大家能搜到《汉尼拔》的Youtube资源就能找到片段。国内资源没用,国内资源全都删了。因为他涉及的浅层催眠在起...  



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