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The World Without Us

Alan Weisman 作者
Thomas Dunne Books
2007-07-10 出版日期
320 页数
USD 24.95 价格
9780312347291 图书编码

The World Without Us 在线电子书 图书标签: 环境  科学  environment  美国  Us  World  小说  Without   

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The World Without Us 在线电子书 著者简介

艾伦·韦斯曼,屡获殊荣的新闻记者,他的报道在《哈珀斯》、《纽约时报杂志》、《大西洋月刊》、《发现》和美国国家公共电台等地方发表或播报。他曾是《洛杉矶时报杂志》的特约编辑,现在新闻从业者团体Homelantls Productionsrp担任资深出品人,并在亚利桑那大学教授国际新闻学课程。《没有我们的世界》是他对一篇文稿《没有人类的地球》(发表于2005 年《发现》杂志)的扩充,被评选为“2006年度美国最佳科学写作”。

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The World Without Us 在线电子书 图书描述

A penetrating, page-turning tour of a post-human Earth

In The World Without Us, Alan Weisman offers an utterly original approach to questions of humanity’s impact on the planet: he asks us to envision our Earth, without us.In this far-reaching narrative, Weisman explains how our massive infrastructure would collapse and finally vanish without human presence; which everyday items may become immortalized as fossils; how copper pipes and wiring would be crushed into mere seams of reddish rock; why some of our earliest buildings might be the last architecture left; and how plastic, bronze sculpture, radio waves, and some man-made molecules may be our most lasting gifts to the universe.The World Without Us reveals how, just days after humans disappear, floods in New York’s subways would start eroding the city’s foundations, and how, as the world’s cities crumble, asphalt jungles would give way to real ones. It describes the distinct ways that organic and chemically treated farms would revert to wild, how billions more birds would flourish, and how cockroaches in unheated cities would perish without us. Drawing on the expertise of engineers, atmospheric scientists, art conservators, zoologists, oil refiners, marine biologists, astrophysicists, religious leaders from rabbis to the Dali Lama, and paleontologists---who describe a prehuman world inhabited by megafauna like giant sloths that stood taller than mammoths---Weisman illustrates what the planet might be like today, if not for us.From places already devoid of humans (a last fragment of primeval European forest; the Korean DMZ; Chernobyl), Weisman reveals Earth’s tremendous capacity for self-healing. As he shows which human devastations are indelible, and which examples of our highest art and culture would endure longest, Weisman’s narrative ultimately drives toward a radical but persuasive solution that needn't depend on our demise. It is narrative nonfiction at its finest, and in posing an irresistible concept with both gravity and a highly readable touch, it looks deeply at our effects on the planet in a way that no other book has.

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The World Without Us 在线电子书 读后感


人类可能经常在头脑中想象,如果没有鱼、没有鸟儿,这个世界会是怎样,但是是否曾经有一秒钟,你会想象如果这个世界没有人类会怎么样? 艾伦•韦斯曼无疑为我们提供了这样一个新奇的视角,而这样的一个视角才是本书最大的特点与贡献吧。看《三体》第三部结尾的时候,阅读充满...  


今日在《纽约》杂志上看到一文,说哥伦比亚大学环境科学和微生物教授Dickson Despommier博士建议,解决气候变暖,一个治本的办法是开展skyfarming(摩天大楼农业)。他设想建立30层高的摩天大楼,里头种菜种水果。北京办奥运不是有一口号吗,办绿色奥运。我在想,假如北京的三...  


封面上是两个迥然不同的世界: 一个是高楼大厦,一个是原始森林; 一个代表现在,一个代表未来。 作者提出了这样一个假设: 假如有一天,人类突然间都消失了,世界会变成什么样? 以这个假设为基础,作者分了19章从不同角度阐述可能的结果, 比如房屋会怎样?桥梁会怎样?核电...  



封面上是两个迥然不同的世界: 一个是高楼大厦,一个是原始森林; 一个代表现在,一个代表未来。 作者提出了这样一个假设: 假如有一天,人类突然间都消失了,世界会变成什么样? 以这个假设为基础,作者分了19章从不同角度阐述可能的结果, 比如房屋会怎样?桥梁会怎样?核电...  

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