Plato's Symposium 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 柏拉圖 哲學 古希臘 政治哲學 Plato 施特勞斯學派 西方哲學 愛
Plato's Symposium 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
Your city has been destroyed by Eros.
評分Socrates, to some extent the incarnation of Eros, is not self-sufficient as Eros is not a god. But it is his awareness of his imperfect and poverty that makes Socrates the one who is so attractive to Alcibiades and many others." The most complete of men is the one who truly knows that he is incomplete and can live in light of that fact".
評分Socrates, to some extent the incarnation of Eros, is not self-sufficient as Eros is not a god. But it is his awareness of his imperfect and poverty that makes Socrates the one who is so attractive to Alcibiades and many others." The most complete of men is the one who truly knows that he is incomplete and can live in light of that fact".
Plato's "Symposium" - translated here, and with a commentary - is arguably one of the greatest works on the nature of love ever written. It recounts a drinking party following an evening meal, where the guests include Aristophanes, Alcibiades and Socrates. The revellers discuss a variety of topics.
[一篇学习了《会饮》一学期后的期末小论文,主题是爱和占有欲。爱和占有欲实在是两个难以琢磨的东西,所以我也只是在规定字数内写了一下我的个人想法。可能对于爱、对于爱欲,就像《会饮》中依次出现的古希腊哲学家们迥异的看法一样吧,在每个人那里都会得到不同解答。] 爱和...
評分20190327打卡《会饮》柏拉图 书很薄,不影响其畅达精彩,朴素言语背后别有一番瑰丽光景。 柏拉图用一场宴饮,将所有人拽入爱的殿堂。 一、同性恋圣经 没有哪本书能将同性之爱解释得如此自然、和谐、唯美,充满智慧。 阿里斯托芬这样讲述: 原始人类曾为三种,男人、女人、阴阳...
評分这是一篇《哲学与人生》课程期末论文。谈论爱欲的哲学家少之又少。其中,柏拉图的态度比较温和,更容易被我们从直觉上接受。 我想说一句很无知的话:如果我们把爱搞明白了,大概就能搞明白世界上的一切。 【摘要】《会饮篇》(或《论爱情》,伦理的)是柏拉图以对话体完成的关...
評分前苏格拉底的哲人赫拉克里特仅存的《残篇》中,每一句语焉不详的只言片语都蕴含着石破天惊的巨大力量,比如这句话:上升之路与下降之路本是同一条路。因此,在诸多对《会饮》的解读中,当人们熙熙攘攘都去讨论爱欲的上升时,一个叫做Sean Steel的学者就抓住了老赫这句话,反其...
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