Waiting for the Dawn 在线电子书 图书标签:
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The "Ming-i Tai-fang Lu "of Huang Tsunghsi (1610-1695) is unique in the history of Chinese Political literature. Since the time of Confucius and Mencius, no other work in the long Confucian tradition has stood out so clearly as a major critique of Chinese dynastic institutions. The importance of this work rests not only in its advocacy of basic principles of humane governance but also on its incisive analysis of the key institutions of imperial rule and political economy. Huang's treatise, though firmly grounded in classic Confucian teachings emphasizing government based on democratic principles, also incorporates significant elements from alternative schools of thought and reflects the long experience of Chinese dynastic rule subsequent to the great age of classical thinkers in the later Chou period. Huang draws together in a concise manner both his own original ideas and those others had expressed only in scattered form over two millennia. Later reformers and revolutionary leaders such as Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and Sun Yat-sen used Huang's essays in the Ministership, Law, the Schools, and the Land System to promote their own political aims. Modern Scholars have confirmed Huang's stature as the most enduring and influential critic of Chinese despotism and have recognized his "plan" as the most powerful affirmation of a liberal Confucian political vision in premodern times.
黄宗羲博学多识,在天文、算术、乐律、经史、释道等方面均有造诣。纵观黄公一生,大致可分为三个时期: 黄公早年从事反对阮大铖之流的斗争,领导复社成员反抗宦官权贵,几遭杀祸;(十九岁入都讼冤,以铁锥击毙仇人,血勇可见一斑;) 黄公中年,清兵南下,黄宗羲招募义兵,集...
评分 评分黄宗羲,字太冲,号梨洲老人,万历三十八年(1610)生,康熙三十四年(1695)去世。其父黄尊素与杨涟、左光斗交好,天启官至御史,后被阉党所害,是为“东林七君子”之一。崇祯初罢阉党,梨洲袖藏铁锥,入京为父平反,出袖中锥刺许显纯,当众痛击崔应元,思宗叹称其为“忠臣孤子”...
评分无论明是亡于内忧还是外患,自万历朝以后近百年,整个制度的问题一直是知识分子思考的中心。直到明亡以后,黄宗羲,顾炎武们才算是代表近百年的思想者们给出了答案。 从君臣关系,直到兵制,官制,纳税。几百年后的康有为大概也受到了这本书的启发吧。所谓发前人所未发,见前人...
评分这里有网上版本可以看 http://ef.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/ccw/01/my.htm 随便摘几段分享一下 "是故明乎为君之职分,则唐、虞之世,人人能让,许由、务光非绝尘也;不明乎为君之职分,则市井之间,人人可欲,许由、务光所以旷后世而不闻也。" "故我之出而仕也,为天下,非为君也;...
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