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Freedom for the Thought That We Hate

Anthony Lewis 作者
Basic Books
2008-2-7 出版日期
224 页数
GBP 14.99 价格
9780465039173 图书编码

Freedom for the Thought That We Hate 在线电子书 图书标签: 法律  历史  英文原版  原版  自由及其限制  美国  文化政治学  哲学   

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第一修正案簡史,liberty lies in people' heart; if it dies there, no constitution,no law, no court can save it.

Freedom for the Thought That We Hate 在线电子书 著者简介

About the Author

Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Anthony Lewis was a columnist for the New York Times op-ed page from 1969 through 2001. Since 1983, Lewis has been the James Madison Visiting Professor at Columbia University. His previous three books are Gideon's Trumpet, which has sold nearly a million copies in over forty years in print; Portrait of a Decade; and Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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Freedom for the Thought That We Hate 在线电子书 图书描述

Book Description

From one of the country's most esteemed experts on the First Amendment and the author of the classic Gideon's Trumpet, an eloquent essay on the importance of freedom of expression.

More than any other people on earth, Americans are free to say and write what they think. The media can air the secrets of the White House, the boardroom, or the bedroom with little fear of punishment or penalty. The reason for this extraordinary freedom is not a superior culture of tolerance, but just fourteen words in our most fundamental legal document: the free expression clauses of the First Amendment to the Constitution.

In Lewis's telling, the story of how the right of free expression evolved along with our nation makes a compelling case for the adaptability of our constitution. Although Americans have gleefully and sometimes outrageously exercised their right to free speech since before the nation's founding, the Supreme Court did not begin to recognize this right until 1919. Freedom of speech and the press as we know it today is surprisingly recent. Anthony Lewis tells us how these rights were created, revealing a story of hard choices, heroic (and some less heroic) judges, and fascinating and eccentric defendants who forced the legal system to come face-to-face with one of America's great founding ideas.

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Freedom for the Thought That We Hate 在线电子书 读后感


有些时候,我喜欢一个人呆着,比如看书。看书于我而言是一个非常私密的时刻,只有在一个人的时候,才能放开心灵,遨游于文字的世界中,尽情体味痛苦与欢乐,怀想与追思,在宇宙所有的宏阔与细微处漫步。 最近一段时间,连续看了三本书,作者都是安东尼刘易斯,他是《纽约时报》...  


这本书是国庆放假期间三天读完的。上一本书是“批评官员的尺度”,基于了解美国宪法第一修正案的想法,继续读了这本书,同一个作者所著。 看完之后的几点感受: 1、言论自由需要一个有力的制度作保障,司法是其中最重要的一个环节,美国从建国以来设计的三权分立制度和最高法院...  


“国会不得立法……限制言论、出版自由……”上面这句话,便是美国宪法第一修正案的核心内容。 从美国《独立宣言》发表到1798年因为惧怕法国大革命的影响,国会通过《反煽动叛乱法案》;再由一战的爆发,国会通过《反间谍法案》,到1927年最高法院大法官写下了被后世认为是有关...  



导言中,第一宪法修正案,即言论自由与出版自由,过去不能批评总统而现在批评,法律在案子裁决中表现,自由与秩序的划分如何界定 序幕,对于出版自由的压制,一为准入制度,二为反煽动言论 杰斐逊副总统与反煽动言论的斗争 定义自由,言论控制与言论自由的交叉拔河,沙利文案致...

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