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What Einstein Told His Barber

Robert Wolke 作者
2000-03-07 出版日期
288 頁數
USD 15.00 價格
9780440508793 圖書編碼

What Einstein Told His Barber 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 城畫   

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What Einstein Told His Barber 在線電子書 圖書描述

What makes ice cubes cloudy? How do shark attacks make airplanes safer? Can a person traveling in a car at the speed of sound still hear the radio? Moreover, would they want to...?

Do you often find yourself pondering life's little conundrums? Have you ever wondered why the ocean is blue? Or why birds don't get electrocuted when perching on high-voltage power lines? Robert L. Wolke, professor emeritus of chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh and acclaimed author of What Einstein Didn't Know , understands the need to...well, understand. Now he provides more amusing explanations of such everyday phenomena as gravity (If you're in a falling elevator, will jumping at the last instant save your life?) and acoustics (Why does a whip make such a loud cracking noise?), along with amazing facts, belly-up-to-the-bar bets, and mind-blowing reality bites all with his trademark wit and wisdom.

If you shoot a bullet into the air, can it kill somebody when it comes down?

You can find out about all this and more in an astonishing compendium of the proverbial mind-boggling mysteries of the physical world we inhabit.

<!-- You don't have to know you're interested in hydrology, ballistics, or organic chemistry to wonder what makes sunscreen keep skin from getting burned. Nor do you need to want to study covalent bonds to ask why the shower curtain is sticking to your body. But for those intrigued by these and other everyday enigmas, WHAT EINSTEIN TOLD HIS BARBER helps fill in the blanks.

Arranged in a question-and-answer format and grouped by subject for browsing ease, WHAT EINSTEIN TOLD HIS BARBER is for anyone who ever pondered such things as why colors fade in sunlight, what happens to the rubber from worn-out tires, what makes red-hot objects glow red, and other scientific curiosities. Perfect for fans of Newton's Apple, Jeopardy!, and The Discovery Channel, WHAT EINSTEIN TOLD HIS BARBER also includes a glossary of important scientific buzz words and a comprehensive index. -->

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