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The Old Regime and the Revolution

Alexis de Tocqueville 作者
University Of Chicago Press
Alan S. Kahan 譯者
2001-9-1 出版日期
528 頁數
USD 62.50 價格
9780226805337 圖書編碼

The Old Regime and the Revolution 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Tocqueville  舊製度與大革命  政治  托剋維爾  我來看看好心軟弱的路易16是怎麼倒黴的  politics  政治哲學   

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Only time will tell whether, for better or worse, a new political project with the ability to enlist broad-based consent is in the making. In a country with high expectations and a stiffening resolve to resist abuse, managing the myriad social and political cleavages will be no simple task.




英譯質量被Jon Elster嚴厲批判,但兩位頂級專傢的序言很精彩(序言內容和已發錶論文有不少重閤)。

The Old Regime and the Revolution 在線電子書 著者簡介

The Old Regime and the Revolution 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Old Regime and the Revolution 在線電子書 圖書描述

With his monumental work "The Old Regime and the Revolution", Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) - best known for his classic "Democracy in America" - envisioned a multivolume philosophic study of the origins of modern France that would examine the implications of French history on the nature and development of democratic society. Volume 1, which covered the 18th-century background to the Revolution, was published to great acclaim in 1856. On the continuation of this project, he wrote: "When this Revolution has finished its work, [this volume] will show what that work really was, and what the new society which has come from that violent labour is, what the Revolution has taken away and what it has preserved from that old regime against which it was directed". Tocqueville died in the midst of this work. Here in Volume 2 -in clear, up-to-date English - is all that he had completed, including the chapters he started for a work on Napoleon, notes and analyses he made in the course of researching and writing the first volume, and his notes on his preparation for his continuation. Based on the new French edition of "The Old Regime", most of the translated texts have never before appeared in English, and many of those that have appeared were considerably altered. More than ever before, readers will be able to see how Tocqueville's account of the Revolution would have come out, had he lived to finish it. This volume completes the set and is useful reading for anyone interested in the French revolution or in Tocqueville's thought.

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The Old Regime and the Revolution 在線電子書 讀後感


师兄推荐《旧制度与大革命》这本小书,开学这两周断断续续翻了一遍。热读热议的浮夸着的喧哗并不能给作品带来经典的光环,历史与现实轮回般的相似也不能说明它的伟大,只是当那以往世代幽微的烛火或多或少照亮了今日眼前的混沌时,折服而击节赞叹便很自然了。 推荐这本书时,人...  



去年底,新任中纪委书记王岐山推荐了法国人托克维尔的《旧制度与大革命》一书,一时洛阳纸贵,书店、网上都脱销。我也趁这个机会重新看了一遍这本书。 在此前,托克维尔更加被推崇的是他的另一本代表作《论美国的民主》。该书是对美国立国初期的政治、社会、文化等方方面面的...


你说好的希望在哪里 ——《旧制度与大革命》书评 华中师范大学 陈芝   据说托克维尔是世界上第一个指出法国大革命的诞生并不是因为生活毫无希望,而是有希望,希望却不能快速得到满足的人。生...  


文/端宏斌    故事要从一则微博说起,著名经济学家华生在几个月前发了一条微博:    “去海里见老领导,被推荐读本书,托克维尔的《旧制度与大革命》。他认为中国这样在世界上举足轻重的大国,从历史上看也好,今天的外部环境也好,现代化转型不会那么顺利。中国人自己的代...  

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