A Court on Horseback 在线电子书 图书标签: 新清史 清史 海外中国研究 张勉治 历史 乾隆 明清史 明清
A Court on Horseback 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
评分最近難得再觸及一部新清史著作──以 Manchu為中心的寫作
评分最近難得再觸及一部新清史著作──以 Manchu為中心的寫作
张勉治(Michael G.Chang),美国乔治梅森大学历史与艺术史系副教授。加州大学圣迭哥分校历史学博士,师从周锡瑞、高彦颐等中国史研究名家。主要研究领域为16至19世纪中国的政治、社会、文化和经济,目前主要关注盛清时期的政治文化和物质文化。
Between 1751 and 1784, the Qianlong emperor embarked upon six southern tours, travelling from Beijing to Jiangnan and back. These tours were exercises in political theatre that took the Manchu emperor through one of the Qing empire's most prosperous regions. This study elucidates the tensions and the constant negotiations characterising the relationship between the imperial centre and Jiangnan, which straddled the two key provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Politically, economically and culturally, Jiangnan was the undisputed centre of the Han Chinese world; it also remained a bastion of Ming loyalism and anti-Manchu sentiment. How did the Qing court constitute its authority and legitimate its domination over this pivotal region? What were the precise terms and historical dynamics of Qing rule over China proper during the long 18th Century? In the course of addressing such questions, this study also explores the political culture within and through which High Qing rule was constituted and contested by a range of actors, all of whom operated within socially and historically structured contexts. The author argues that the southern tours occupied a central place in the historical formation of Qing rule during a period of momentous change affecting all strata of the 18th-Century polity.
“吾临御五十年,凡举二大事,一曰西师,一曰南巡。”[1]南巡,这个被乾隆帝视为关系帝国整体战略的重大事件,这个被民间津津乐道的传奇,在学术界却鲜有人系统研究,直到美国学者张勉治(Michael Chang)[2]《马背上的王朝:巡幸与清朝统治的构建,1680-1785》一书推出。如果...
评分《马背上的朝廷:巡幸与清朝统治的建构(1680-1785)》一书出自美国乔治梅森大学历史与艺术史系副教授张勉治。张勉治师从周锡瑞、高彦颐等中国史研究名家,长期致力于16-19世纪即晚明至清代后期中国的政治、社会、文化和经济。 乾隆南巡至今为中国民间戏曲、小说、坊间讨论者所...
评分转自澎湃新闻:https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_5210809 【编者按】 2019年11月9日晚,中国人民大学清史研究所教授杨念群、董建中在清华大学邺架轩体验书店就《马背上的朝廷》(江苏人民出版社,2019年10月出版)展开对谈,对谈由故宫博物院修缮技艺部王敬雅博士主...
评分“吾临御五十年,凡举二大事,一曰西师,一曰南巡。”[1]南巡,这个被乾隆帝视为关系帝国整体战略的重大事件,这个被民间津津乐道的传奇,在学术界却鲜有人系统研究,直到美国学者张勉治(Michael Chang)[2]《马背上的王朝:巡幸与清朝统治的构建,1680-1785》一书推出。如果...
A Court on Horseback 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025