The Age of the World Target 在线电子书 图书标签: 海外中国研究 周蕾 文化研究、哲學理論 英语出版 英文原版 美国 比较文学 周蕾ReyChow
The Age of the World Target 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
导论借法国理论在美国发问,单刀直入闯进后殖民主义领域。梳理福柯破除“语言”作为gird of girds的知识生产方式,从而建立系谱学的历程,基于德勒兹相关主张,指出文学作为语言堕落的补偿,其自我指涉性可被视为外在性某种功能的显现。C1借原子弹投放,称世界已经被虚拟化,正作为图像被把握,采海德格尔和维利里奥之长,直击美帝将世界作为标靶(书名)的行径,进而探讨战争与知识生产之关系。C2追问在后结构主义境况下,其语言是否依然故作晦涩以破除西方逻各斯主义?面对在援引西方理论时涌现的问题,边缘族群的研究应该让对自我指涉的干扰承认指涉的不可避免性。C3未读,但在导论中略涉及,基于法国理论旅行的美国比较工作中自我指涉的问题化,在其找到源头之前,该如何自处?周蕾用重建词与物的构成的外在性的努力贯穿全书。
评分导论借法国理论在美国发问,单刀直入闯进后殖民主义领域。梳理福柯破除“语言”作为gird of girds的知识生产方式,从而建立系谱学的历程,基于德勒兹相关主张,指出文学作为语言堕落的补偿,其自我指涉性可被视为外在性某种功能的显现。C1借原子弹投放,称世界已经被虚拟化,正作为图像被把握,采海德格尔和维利里奥之长,直击美帝将世界作为标靶(书名)的行径,进而探讨战争与知识生产之关系。C2追问在后结构主义境况下,其语言是否依然故作晦涩以破除西方逻各斯主义?面对在援引西方理论时涌现的问题,边缘族群的研究应该让对自我指涉的干扰承认指涉的不可避免性。C3未读,但在导论中略涉及,基于法国理论旅行的美国比较工作中自我指涉的问题化,在其找到源头之前,该如何自处?周蕾用重建词与物的构成的外在性的努力贯穿全书。
周蕾(Rey Chow)
出生於香港,在美國史丹福大學先後獲得碩士、博士學位,曾任教於美國明尼蘇達大學,現為美國布朗大學Andrew Mellon人文學講座教授,為華裔文化研究領域最重要的學者之一。研究領域為:現代中國文學、當代女性主義理論、中國電影、後殖民理論及文化研究。
Martin Heidegger once wrote that the world had, in the age of modern science, become a world picture. For Rey Chow, the world has, in the age of atomic bombs, become a world target, to be attacked once it is identified, or so global geopolitics, dominated by the United States since the end of the Second World War, seems repeatedly to confirm. How to articulate the problematics of knowledge production with this aggressive targeting of the world? Chow attempts such an articulation by probing the significance of the chronological proximity of area studies, poststructuralist theory, and comparative literature--fields of inquiry that have each exerted considerable influence but whose mutual implicatedness as post-war U.S. academic phenomena has seldom been theorized. Central to Chow's discussions is a critique of the predicament of self-referentiality--the compulsive move to interiorize that, in her view, constitutes the collective frenzy of our age--in different contemporary epistemic registers, including the self-consciously avant-garde as well as the militaristic and culturally supremacist. Urging her readers to think beyond the inward-turning focus on EuroAmerica that tends to characterize even the most radical gestures of Western self-deconstruction, Chow envisions much broader intellectual premises for future trans-cultural work, with reading practices aimed at restoring words and things to their constitutive exteriority.
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