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Tricks of the Trade

Howard S. Becker 作者
University of Chicago Press
1998-1-19 出版日期
244 頁數
GBP 10.50 價格
9780226041247 圖書編碼

Tricks of the Trade 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 社會學  方法論  Methodology  社會學方法  寫作  Howard.Becker  論文寫作  研究   

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Tricks of the Trade 在線電子書 用戶評價


Reader-friendly and also insightful.




假如覺得某個學科很無聊,很有可能是你還沒有摸得到門道。Howie Becker的這本書就介紹瞭社會學研究之門道,這些門道通過一個個小故事逐一呈現在讀者眼前,值得一再學習!


無比boring but helpful...


Reader-friendly and also insightful.

Tricks of the Trade 在線電子書 著者簡介

[美]霍華德·S. 貝剋爾(1928— ),美國當代社會學傢,學術領域為越軌研究、社會學方法論、藝術社會學、教育社會學、音樂社會學。其作為社會學芝加哥學派傳人,緻力於田野調查和符號互動論傳統。他在爵士鋼琴樂演奏、創作以及攝影領域也頗有斬獲。已譯成中文的著作有《局外人:越軌的社會學研究》《藝術界》《社會科學學術寫作規範與技巧》。

Tricks of the Trade 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Tricks of the Trade 在線電子書 圖書描述

Drawing on more than four decades of experience as a researcher and teacher, Howard Becker now brings to students and researchers the many valuable techniques he has learned. Tricks of the Trade will help students learn how to think about research projects. Assisted by Becker's sage advice, students can make better sense of their research and simultaneously generate fresh ideas on where to look next for new data. The tricks cover four broad areas of social science: the creation of the "imagery" to guide research; methods of "sampling" to generate maximum variety in the data; the development of "concepts" to organize findings; and the use of "logical" methods to explore systematically the implications of what is found. Becker's advice ranges from simple tricks such as changing an interview question from "Why?" to "How?" (as a way of getting people to talk without asking for a justification) to more technical tricks such as how to manipulate truth tables.

Becker has extracted these tricks from a variety of fields such as art history, anthropology, sociology, literature, and philosophy; and his dazzling variety of references ranges from James Agee to Ludwig Wittgenstein. Becker finds the common principles that lie behind good social science work, principles that apply to both quantitative and qualitative research. He offers practical advice, ideas students can apply to their data with the confidence that they will return with something they hadn't thought of before.

Like Writing for Social Scientists, Tricks of the Trade will bring aid and comfort to generations of students. Written in the informal, accessible style for which Becker is known, this book will be an essential resource for students in a wide variety of fields.

"An instant classic. . . . Becker's stories and reflections make a great book, one that will find its way into the hands of a great many social scientists, and as with everything he writes, it is lively and accessible, a joy to read."—Charles Ragin, Northwestern University

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Tricks of the Trade 在線電子書 讀後感


读这本书的时候虽然觉得很有启发,但佶屈聱牙的段落太多,于是对照原文以及繁体版,挑出一些我觉得翻译有问题的地方,以供大家参考。 需要说明的是,首先我只挑出一些在阅读过程中个人感觉明显出错的段落,至于翻译本身是否流畅以及翻译得非常流畅但其实是译错的部分可能没有在...  


you can do it. don't be afraid.reach into your heart.without the passion, you can't be a scholar without putting your heart there. the most important things. make them stand out. and meet theory half-way.


读这本书的时候虽然觉得很有启发,但佶屈聱牙的段落太多,于是对照原文以及繁体版,挑出一些我觉得翻译有问题的地方,以供大家参考。 需要说明的是,首先我只挑出一些在阅读过程中个人感觉明显出错的段落,至于翻译本身是否流畅以及翻译得非常流畅但其实是译错的部分可能没有在...  


you can do it. don't be afraid.reach into your heart.without the passion, you can't be a scholar without putting your heart there. the most important things. make them stand out. and meet theory half-way.


读这本书的时候虽然觉得很有启发,但佶屈聱牙的段落太多,于是对照原文以及繁体版,挑出一些我觉得翻译有问题的地方,以供大家参考。 需要说明的是,首先我只挑出一些在阅读过程中个人感觉明显出错的段落,至于翻译本身是否流畅以及翻译得非常流畅但其实是译错的部分可能没有在...  

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