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Imperial Twilight

Stephen R. Platt 作者
2018-5-15 出版日期
592 頁數
USD 35.00 價格
9780307961730 圖書編碼

Imperial Twilight 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 鴉片戰爭  曆史  裴士鋒  中國近代史  中國  近代史    非虛構   

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Imperial Twilight 在線電子書 用戶評價




Such a good read! The personal accounts are invaluable! It also makes one questions whether the so called textbook history is just a social construct, and all inevitabilities we see now are mere coincidences back then. 感覺看現在的新聞真有種曆史重演的錯覺


Such a good read! The personal accounts are invaluable! It also makes one questions whether the so called textbook history is just a social construct, and all inevitabilities we see now are mere coincidences back then. 感覺看現在的新聞真有種曆史重演的錯覺




從馬戛爾尼使華,到鴉片戰爭的爆發,美國學者裴士鋒(Stephen R. Platt,也是《天國之鞦》的作者)依據史料,詳述瞭偏居廣州一隅的中英貿易是如何一步步演變,最終走嚮戰爭的。其中諸多偶然因素(包括語言、國情、外部認知、人性和當事人的局限等)的疊加,使得鴉片戰爭成為曆史的必然。全書結構清晰,細節豐富,可謂曆史敘事的佳作。

Imperial Twilight 在線電子書 著者簡介

STEPHEN R. PLATT is a professor of Chinese history at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His last book, Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom: China, the West, and the Epic Story of the Taiping Civil War, was a Washington Post Notable Book, a New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice, and won the Cundill History Prize. Platt lives with his wife and children in Northampton, Massachusetts.

Imperial Twilight 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Imperial Twilight 在線電子書 圖書描述

As China reclaims its position as a world power, Imperial Twilight looks back to tell the story of the country's last age of ascendance and how it came to an end in the nineteenth-century Opium War.

"This thoroughly researched and delightful work is essential for anyone interested in Chinese or British imperial history." --Library Journal (Starred Review)

When Britain launched its first war on China in 1839, pushed into hostilities by profiteering drug merchants and free-trade interests, it sealed the fate of what had long been seen as the most prosperous and powerful empire in Asia, if not the world. But internal problems of corruption, popular unrest, and dwindling finances had weakened China far more than was commonly understood, and the war would help set in motion the eventual fall of the Qing dynasty--which, in turn, would lead to the rise of nationalism and communism in the twentieth century. As one of the most potent turning points in the country's modern history, the Opium War has since come to stand for everything that today's China seeks to put behind it.

In this dramatic, epic story, award-winning historian Stephen Platt sheds new light on the early attempts by Western traders and missionaries to "open" China--traveling mostly in secret beyond Canton, the single port where they were allowed--even as China's imperial rulers were struggling to manage their country's decline and Confucian scholars grappled with how to use foreign trade to China's advantage. The book paints an enduring portrait of an immensely profitable--and mostly peaceful--meeting of civilizations at Canton over the long term that was destined to be shattered by one of the most shockingly unjust wars in the annals of imperial history. Brimming with a fascinating cast of British, Chinese, and American individuals, this riveting narrative of relations between China and the West has important implications for today's uncertain and ever-changing political climate.

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Imperial Twilight 在線電子書 讀後感


中国外交部发言人将美国的芬太尼危机归咎于瘾君子自身,另外再加上政府监管不力。同样的逻辑如果用到1839年,那么结论将是鸦片战争之所以爆发,原因在于中国人对鸦片上瘾,再加上清政府监管不力。 事实和史实当然并非如此。耶鲁大学老一辈历史学家史景迁(Jonathan Spence)的学...  




历史不会掩盖真相,感知却会影响判断 ——读《帝国暮色》有感 裴士锋的《帝国暮色》的确是难得的佳作。晚晴的历史我读了很多支离破碎的故事,史学家也对当时发生的一些事情都做了定性。比如:鸦片战争是近代中国屈辱史的开端、林则徐是禁毒英雄、和珅是大贪官、道光吸食鸦片、...


中国外交部发言人将美国的芬太尼危机归咎于瘾君子自身,另外再加上政府监管不力。同样的逻辑如果用到1839年,那么结论将是鸦片战争之所以爆发,原因在于中国人对鸦片上瘾,再加上清政府监管不力。 事实和史实当然并非如此。耶鲁大学老一辈历史学家史景迁(Jonathan Spence)的学...  


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