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The Conscience of a Liberal

Paul Krugman 作者
W. W. Norton & Company
2007-10-1 出版日期
352 页数
USD 25.95 价格
9780393060690 图书编码

The Conscience of a Liberal 在线电子书 图书标签: Krugman  经济  克鲁格曼  政治  经济学  Liberal  Economics  美国   

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The Conscience of a Liberal 在线电子书 用户评价


Reading for this week. 在老书虫的final week,遇到一本有趣的书。买下之后放在桌上,店主看到过来聊了几句,给出了他对作者超高的评价:His (the author) heart is at the right place.






good intro to the health care issue


作者文笔太幽默了!!p124-152 the great divergence

The Conscience of a Liberal 在线电子书 著者简介

Paul Krugman has at least three jobs: he is professor of economics and international affairs at Princeton University; Centenary Professor at the London School of Economics; and, perhaps his best-known job, an op-ed columnist for the New York Times. In recognition of his influence the Washington Monthly called him “the most important political columnist in America.”

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The Conscience of a Liberal 在线电子书 图书描述

What has gone wrong with America? With The Conscience of a Liberal, best-selling author Paul Krugman points the way to a new New Deal.

America emerged from Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal with strong democratic values and broadly shared prosperity. But for the past thirty years American politics has been dominated by a conservative movement determined to undermine the New Deal's achievements - a movement whose founding manifesto was Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative. That movement has been highly successful in turning the clock back: both the inequality of today's America and the corruption of its political life hark back to the age of the robber barons.

Now the tide may be turning - and in The Conscience of a Liberal Paul Krugman, the world's most widely read economist and one of its most influential political commentators, charts the way to reform.

Krugman ranges over a century of history, from the political economy of the Gilded Age - which seems all too familiar these days - to the calamities of the Bush years, which he argues were inevitable once movement conservatives gained full control of the U.S. government. He shows that neither the middle-class America the baby boomers grew up in nor the increasingly oligarchic nation we have become over the past generation evolved naturally: both were created, to a large extent, by government policies guided by organized political movements. He explains how defenders of inequality have exploited cultural and racial divisions to their advantage, while reformers have found ways to bridge those divisions. And he argues that the time is ripe for another great era of reform.

Last but not least, The Conscience of a Liberal outlines a program for change. It shows how universal health care can be the centerpiece of a new New Deal, just as Social Security was the core of the original. It explains what can be done to narrow the wealth and income gap. And it shows how a new political coalition can both support and be supported by reform, making our society not just more equal but more democratic.

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The Conscience of a Liberal 在线电子书 读后感


我是听Audiobook,听到1/4,远在FDR的New Deal之前,美国的财富分配体系已经开始极端化了,于是1929年大危机出现了。 FDR的应对方法就是增强social welfare来改善收入分配,而针对更加不平均的财富占有体系,对应的方法就是征收高额的遗产税。 可惜的是FDR的政策并没有很好的贯...  



克鲁格曼将此书的副标题叫做《一个自由主义者的良知》,让我们这些习惯了自由之保守概念者,颇感意外。 联想到美国新任总统奥巴马在就职演说中对政府的评价,“我们今天的问题不是政府太大或太小,而是有无功效,是否能帮助家庭找到薪水不错的工作,支付得起照顾费用,...  


开国总统华盛顿是联邦主义者,那时美国还没有党派。 美国最早的党派联邦党和民主共和党。起源是当时的财政部长汉密尔和国务卿杰弗逊顿政见不和,汉密尔顿的支持者组成了联邦党,后来在1791年,杰弗逊的支持者组成了民主共和党。 1796年的大选,亚当斯击败杰弗逊,成为了第一...  


什么叫媒体的超级明星?什么叫智囊团?克鲁格曼算是做了个近似完美的演示。 大量的数据应用分析,历史背景介绍,对民生问题深入简出的全面阐述,玩转自由主义和保守主义在自力行距之间。一路上看下来,总觉得言之有理,却问题颇多。共和党未必像他说的那么一意孤行,民主党的...  

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