Tyranny of the Moment 在线电子书 图书标签: 經濟學 社會學 社会理论 歐洲 挪威 成长 哲学 信息
Tyranny of the Moment 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.
评分Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.
评分Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.
评分Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.
评分Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.
托马斯·H·埃里克森(Thomas H. Eriksen),挪威奥斯陆大学社会人类学系教授,多年来一直关注政治、民族主义和全球化等问题,已出版多部社会学著作及相关主题的书籍。因为个人亲身经历了信息革命带来的不可预料的后果,遂决意写作此书,分析和阐释当下社会发生的一切。还撰写了多篇论文、杂文性的随笔和一些书评。
'While reading Tyranny of the Moment, I found myself both charmed and challenged. The subject is an important one, and Thomas Hylland Eriksen handles it with style, a light touch, and many amiable provocations.' Todd Gitlin The turn of the millennium is characterized by exponential growth in everything related to communication -- from the internet and email to air traffic. Tyranny of the Moment deals with some of the most perplexing paradoxes of this new information age. Who would have expected that apparently time-saving technology results in time being scarcer than ever? And has this seemingly limitless access to information led to confusion rather than enlightenment? Eriksen argues that slow time -- private periods where we are able to think and correspond without interruption -- is now one of the most precious resources we have. Since we are theoretically 'online' 24 hours a day, we must fight for the right to be unavailable -- the right to live and think more slowly. It is not only that working hours have become longer -- Eriksen also shows how the logic of this new information technology has permeated every area of our lives. Exploring phenomena such as the internet, wap telephones, multi- channel television and email, Eriksen examines this non-linear and fragmented way of communicating to reveal how it affects working conditions in the economy, changes in family life and, ultimately, personal identity. Eriksen argues that a culture lacking a sense of its past, and therefore of its future, is effectively static. Although solutions are suggested, he demonstrates that there is no easy way out.
文:郑渝川 许多上班族都有这样的体会:自己的办公时间被主要用于应付琐碎杂事,除此之外还得应付会议、回复一大堆电子邮件,顺带接听几个或公事或私事的电话。在这期间登上QQ、微博、微信,时间就显得很不够用了。如果自己手头上有上级安排的报告等任务,只得加班完成...
评分 评分回归田园 偷爱警/文 几天前,看到肯德基、麦当劳、真功夫的冰块与马桶水进行检测对比。结果三家店冰块菌落总数严重超标。肯德基超标最严重超过国标40倍。围脖立马蜂拥而至,转播率直线攀升。媒体竞相关注此事进展。更有业内人士称,肯德基制冰机和相关设备从来就没清理过,没...
评分如果单以过去那种毫无追求动力、充满茫然的“慢生活”作为参照对象,我并不觉得有什么吸引力。原因很简单,那种生活的慢并非个人意志所盼,而是根本就快不起来。 第一次翻开这本书时,正坐在“飞”往老家的高铁上,顿时感觉内心十分矛盾:如果我要享受过去的慢生活,那么就必...
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