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Tyranny of the Moment

Thomas Hylland Eriksen 作者
Pluto Press
2001-10-01 出版日期
160 頁數
USD 30.00 價格
9780745317748 圖書編碼

Tyranny of the Moment 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 經濟學  社會學  社會理論  歐洲  挪威  成長  哲學  信息   

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Tyranny of the Moment 在線電子書 用戶評價


Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.


Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.


Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.


Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.


Worth reading for anyone who does not want to be dominated by the current logic of life.

Tyranny of the Moment 在線電子書 著者簡介

托馬斯·H·埃裏剋森(Thomas H. Eriksen),挪威奧斯陸大學社會人類學係教授,多年來一直關注政治、民族主義和全球化等問題,已齣版多部社會學著作及相關主題的書籍。因為個人親身經曆瞭信息革命帶來的不可預料的後果,遂決意寫作此書,分析和闡釋當下社會發生的一切。還撰寫瞭多篇論文、雜文性的隨筆和一些書評。



Tyranny of the Moment 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Tyranny of the Moment 在線電子書 圖書描述

'While reading Tyranny of the Moment, I found myself both charmed and challenged. The subject is an important one, and Thomas Hylland Eriksen handles it with style, a light touch, and many amiable provocations.' Todd Gitlin The turn of the millennium is characterized by exponential growth in everything related to communication -- from the internet and email to air traffic. Tyranny of the Moment deals with some of the most perplexing paradoxes of this new information age. Who would have expected that apparently time-saving technology results in time being scarcer than ever? And has this seemingly limitless access to information led to confusion rather than enlightenment? Eriksen argues that slow time -- private periods where we are able to think and correspond without interruption -- is now one of the most precious resources we have. Since we are theoretically 'online' 24 hours a day, we must fight for the right to be unavailable -- the right to live and think more slowly. It is not only that working hours have become longer -- Eriksen also shows how the logic of this new information technology has permeated every area of our lives. Exploring phenomena such as the internet, wap telephones, multi- channel television and email, Eriksen examines this non-linear and fragmented way of communicating to reveal how it affects working conditions in the economy, changes in family life and, ultimately, personal identity. Eriksen argues that a culture lacking a sense of its past, and therefore of its future, is effectively static. Although solutions are suggested, he demonstrates that there is no easy way out.

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Tyranny of the Moment 在線電子書 讀後感


前几天晚上,在季风书店偶遇这本书,读到一半,昨日再去找,却没能找到。或许今天可以找到。 近几日,上海是连绵的阴雨,中午十二点左右,走出办公楼,撑起素色雨伞,看铺在路边的梧桐叶,街角电话亭里的女人,妞妞小公馆的猫咪,还有淮海路上的老建筑,这些个景像...  



本书讲的是世上最神秘、最有意思的事物:时间。(如果不赞同我的观点,请试着解释一下“时间”是什么)更具体地说,是时间观。 经过若干篇幅的、慢吞吞的预热,作者在第三章切入正题,宣称人类一度建立起的、线性的时间观和社会发展观正在崩溃。(这里所谓的线性,指时间一去...  


从上个世纪90年代互联网大规模的出现开始,我们已近进入到一个崭新的时代。随着电脑、互联网以及通信手段的拓展,人类因为计算机机器和其存储的信息,更加变得无所不能也无处不在。 机器的计算能力,偷走了原本应该让我们大脑来解决的计算,让我们可以把解决某些问题的时间外...  


本书讨论的内容与速度、压力和信息技术有关,写作的动机源自我个人的亲身经历。早在20 世纪80 年代,我就开始使用计算机。到1991 年的时候,我在自己工作的奥斯陆大学,已经可以实现计算机的在线连接,一年之后就可以登录互联网。大约在同一时间,移动电话开始普及,几年之后,...  

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