Why Mars and Venus Collide 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Why Mars and Venus Collide

John Gray, Ph.D. 作者
An Imprint of harperCollinsPublishers
2008 出版日期
0 頁數
USA $24.95 價格
9780061242960 圖書編碼

Why Mars and Venus Collide 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 心理指導  英文  婚姻  原版  美國  Collide   

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Why Mars and Venus Collide 在線電子書 用戶評價


有些觀點挺有幫助,但是作者給瞭太多的teaching 和規條, 把男人和女人 有些簡單的模式化。








有些觀點挺有幫助,但是作者給瞭太多的teaching 和規條, 把男人和女人 有些簡單的模式化。

Why Mars and Venus Collide 在線電子書 著者簡介

John Gray, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of communication and relationships. The author of fifteen books, he has been conducting personal-growth seminars for more than thirty years and writes "Mars Venus Advice," a weekly syndicated colunm that has appeared in more than one hundred media outlets, including Newsday, the Los Angeles Times, and the Detroit Free Press. He also has a weekly Internet broadcast with over two million listeners at marvenus.com. Gray has been a contributing editor at Redbook and a contributor to ivillage.com, Brides, and Divorce magazines. He lives with his wife and three children in Northern California.

Why Mars and Venus Collide 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Why Mars and Venus Collide 在線電子書 讀後感


1. Women need to talk about their feelings to men, which not only lower her stress level, men will feel it helps women as well. 2. Don't rely solely on the relationship to bring hapiness to life, there are some other activity can bring joy and lower the st...


1. Women need to talk about their feelings to men, which not only lower her stress level, men will feel it helps women as well. 2. Don't rely solely on the relationship to bring hapiness to life, there are some other activity can bring joy and lower the st...


1. Women need to talk about their feelings to men, which not only lower her stress level, men will feel it helps women as well. 2. Don't rely solely on the relationship to bring hapiness to life, there are some other activity can bring joy and lower the st...


1. Women need to talk about their feelings to men, which not only lower her stress level, men will feel it helps women as well. 2. Don't rely solely on the relationship to bring hapiness to life, there are some other activity can bring joy and lower the st...


读过三个章节 charpter 3: Stress Hormones from mars and venus ---------------------------------------- 书中的观点很切实际,比如饮食和荷尔蒙对人的影响. 压力对人每天生活所产生的影响等,但有些观点和论据的真实性不足,没有注脚和说明。 比如在有些地方,作者直接就...  

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