The Craft of Research, Third Edition (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) 在线电子书 图书标签: 写作 研究方法 Research 英语 Writing 英语写作 英文原版 Methodology
The Craft of Research, Third Edition (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
评分与Style: Towards Clarity and Grace 以及 The Craft of Researc三本是Joseph M. Williams关于英文写作方面的著作。对我来说,与其说这些书是写作良方,还不如说是如何更好通过书面与他人沟通的捷径。
韦恩·c·布斯(Wayne C.Booth)芝加哥大学荣誉退休教授。 格雷戈里·G·卡洛姆(Gregory G.Colomb) 弗吉尼亚大学英语语言文学教授。 约瑟夫·M·威廉姆斯(Joseph M.Williams) 芝加哥大学英语语言文学荣誉退休教授。 他们三位曾在芝加哥大学联合讲授高级写作课程。在经过认真讨论确立本书的大纲及计划后,他们分工撰写各章,然后互换,每人对其他两人的部分进行修改,几轮过后才形成定稿。本书因此达到了很高的水平而成为一部经典。他们的合作也成为团队研究的成功标本。
With more than 200,000 copies in print, "The Craft of Research" is the unrivaled resource for researchers at every level, from first-year undergraduates to research reporters at corporations and government offices.Now, seasoned researchers and educators Gregory G. Colomb and Joseph M. Williams present an updated third edition of their classic handbook, whose first and second editions were written in collaboration with the late Wayne C. Booth. "The Craft of Research" explains how to build an argument that motivates readers to accept a claim; how to anticipate the reservations of readers and to respond to them appropriately; and how to create introductions and conclusions that answer that most demanding question, "So what?"The third edition includes an expanded discussion of the essential early stages of a research task: planning and drafting a paper. The authors have revised and fully updated their section on electronic research, emphasizing the need to distinguish between trustworthy sources (such as those found in libraries) and less reliable sources found with a quick Web search. A chapter on warrants has also been thoroughly reviewed to make this difficult subject easier for researchers.Throughout, the authors have preserved the amiable tone, the reliable voice, and the sense of directness that have made this book indispensable for anyone undertaking a research project.
本书对“研究”这件事进行了详细的说明,按照作者的推荐阅读顺序和方法,这本书确实能充当一个查缺补漏的工具书。 对于我而言,最重要的观点改变是在于分清楚了什么是学生式的“老师全能、提供已知内容的最大解”变成了研究者式的“自己是观点的负责人,提供对方感兴趣的内容的...
评分 评分手里有很多本谈如何写作与研究的书,从叶圣陶的《怎样写作》、《麦肯锡方法》、再到《研究方法的第一本书》。因为我本人从06年就开始写博客,先后出了4本书(第一作者),而且曾在咨询领域工作超过五年,写作和分析是必备技能。所以市面上相关的书都有看。看了这么多,值得反复...
评分The Craft of Research, Third Edition (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025