Chinese Among Others 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 孔飛力 海外中國研究 曆史 移民 社會學 文化史 政治學 中國近代史
Chinese Among Others 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
Besides virtually stopping emigration of any sort over a period of nearly three decades, the policies had baneful effects on overseas Chinese and their dependent families.
評分Another book I've been planning to read!
評分史料厚重嚴謹,講述瞭數百年來華僑篳路藍縷的血淚悲歡和在異鄉土地頑強生長的磊落成就,實在值得濃墨重彩彪炳史冊。 一直覺得海外華僑史是中國近代史乃至中華文化當今麵貌非常重要的一部分,然而主流渠道卻很少涉及。特彆是在如今全國移民的“新僑民時代”,故土與現居,根深和葉茂,何去何從,這樣的課題值得每個中國人思索。 PS 華僑特彆是南洋華僑真的偉大。
評分totally understated great book: even not the best of Kuhn's (probably will be), it ranks the number one monograph published during the past decade in the field of Chinese history. Everyone should read it.
Philip A. Kuhn is Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History and East Asian Languages and Civilizations, emeritus, at Harvard University.
In this book, distinguished historian Philip A. Kuhn tells the remarkable five-century story of Chinese emigration as an integral part of China's modern history. Although emigration has a much longer past, its "modern" phase dates from the sixteenth century, when European colonialists began to collaborate with Chinese emigrants to develop a worldwide trading system. The author explores both internal and external migration, complementary parts of a far-reaching process of adaptation that enabled Chinese families to deal with their changing social environments. Skills and institutions developed in the course of internal migration were creatively modified to serve the needs of emigrants in foreign lands.
As emigrants, Chinese inevitably found themselves "among others." The various human ecologies in which they lived have faced Chinese settlers with a diversity of challenges and opportunities in the colonial and postcolonial states of Southeast Asia, in the settler societies of the Americas and Australasia, and in Europe. Kuhn traces their experiences worldwide alongside those of the "others" among whom they settled: the colonial elites, indigenous peoples, and rival immigrant groups that have profited from their Chinese minorities but also have envied, feared, and sometimes persecuted them. A rich selection of primary sources allows these protagonists a personal voice to express their hopes, sorrows, and worldviews.
The post-Mao era offers emigrants new opportunities to leverage their expatriate status to do business with a Chinese nation eager for their investments, donations, and technologies. The resulting "new migration," the author argues, is but the latest phase of a centuries-old process by which Chinese have sought livelihoods away from home.
﹣之前沒有有意識的找這本書,雖然在孔早前離世前讀到原來他有寫過這樣有趣的題目。在學而優逛時竟然碰上了,也是江蘇人民出版社的海外中國研究系列。這系列有不少好書呢,不過有點不是很理解其翻譯的策略/思路,有機會再仔細觀察。 ﹣這部歴史從明朝開始談起,大概因為對白...
評分去年年底买的,还没来得及看,书都没拆。今天看到出了繁中版,然后才知道简体本又被删减了。 以后买外文原著的书还是要小心,能看到原版就看原版,其次找港台版。 不知道这本书的误译有没有故意。以前看到过别人整理的其他书存在故意误译的情况。把作者原来标点的观点A有意歪曲...
評分 評分(刊于《晶报》2016年11月19日,发表时有改动) 文/俞耕耘 孔飞力先生是在国际史学界享有盛名的大学者,其代表作《中华帝国晚期的叛乱及其敌人》、《叫魂》都已成为清史、中国近代史研究的经典范式。这也形成了一种风格化的书写策略:从具体的时间拐点、历史事件入手,以社会...
Chinese Among Others 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025