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The Mothers' and Fathers' Medical Encyclopedia

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Preface<br > ~ _~<<br > Much has changed, both in the world of medicine and in our own thinking, since<br > the writing and publication of tile first edition of this book. "[he new title itself<br > reflects a major and, we feel, delightful change: not only mothers, but [hthels arc<br >increasingly very much involved in their children s care, in sickness and in heahh.<br >This trend, we think, represents not so much "women s" liberation as people ~<br >liberation, a recognition that just as a woman is capable of programming a com-<br >puter or driving a truck, a man is fully capable of changing a diaper, taking a<br >temperature, or administering an antibiotic~<br > While the format of this new edition is much like that of the earlier one, there<br >have been many additions and revisions. The heart of tile book iemains tile em y-<br >clopedic listing, designed to function as a multifaceted guide: as a dictionary,<br >defining and explaining medical terms you may hear and read about; as a tirst-aid<br >manual, o|fiering explicit instructions for coping with injuries and other emergen-<br >cies major and minor; as a source of up-to-date information about all aspects o|<br >your child s health -- including growth and development, preventive care, and ills<br >both common and uncommon-- from cradle through college.<br > There are many new entices; much material has been wholly rewritten and some<br >has been dropped. Several antibiotics, for example, have become obsolete, while<br >quite a few new ones have been introduced. Patterns of drug use and abuse- a<br >topic with which parents of teenagers must, unfortunately, be [~amiliar--have<br >shifted, as have attitudes and legal postures on sexual activities in this age group~<br >Tremendous strides have been made (and continue to be made) in many areas of<br >medical research, including the development of new vaccines, heartening advances<br >in the diagnosis arxd treatment of congenital disorders, and vast improvements in<br >cancer detection and therapy. Communicable ills have assumed new worldwide<br >patterns -- some much closer to being conquered, others posing increasing prob-<br >lems.<br > / he. entry on poisoning-- still a major threat in toddlers and preschoolers --<br >has been handled, in this new edition, in a way we hope will prove even more useful<br >in those crucial situations when a young life is at stake. Potentially toxic household<br >substances have been assemhled in one list rather than being scattered throughout<br >the text. Tiffs greatly expanded list -- larger, we believe, than any other published<br >-- has been included under the "Poisoning, Household Substances and Medica-<br >tions" entry; as an aid to fast action, emergency procedures have been repeated<br >opposite each page of the list so that emergency-action advice is instantly available~<br >

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