Alvin Ubells Energy 在线电子书 图书标签:
Alvin Ubells Energy 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
What DifferenceDo I Make?"f you're like me, you're avictim of spiraling energyprices. In fact, if you liveanywhere but in a cave in a nice,warm climate, you've been stungby rapid increases in the cost ofoil, natural gas and electricity. Chances are you're madenough about those prices--andabout the fact that we are beingheld hostage by the world's ener-gy suppliers--to do somethingabout it. That's why you boughtthis book. "What difference do I make?"All the difference in the world!You and I developed wastefulenergy habits when fuel andpower were cheap. They're notcheap anymore, and it's time forall of us to fight back. Each of us, working alone,can affect the fate of our society!And, incredibly, we don't haveto sacrifice to do it--we canactually save! The more effi-ciently we use our costly fuels,the stronger we are as a nation.And the more dollars we save asindividuals.While the best minds searchfor energy alternatives, this bookcontains some answers for nowand the foreseeable future. It willsave you its purchase price hun-dreds of times over. How manyother books in your home paid forthemselves? But before you begin day- dreaming of greenbacks, you have to read the book and follow my recommendations. I know it'll be satisfying for you: Your home will be more comfort- able, you'll save money and you'll do your share in reducing our country's energy dependenceon foreign powers. A word of caution: Many of theenergy - and money - saving pro-jects I'll tell you about are of thedo-it-yourself variety. But someare not; these should only beattempted by trained profession-als. I'll clearly indicate whichare which, and I can't urge youtoo strongly to take my advice onthis matter. Regardless of howskilled a home handyman youare, DON'T attempt those jobs I!dentify as professional-only pro-jects. They involve your home1
Alvin Ubells Energy 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025