人类向何处去 在线电子书 图书标签: 人类文明 科幻 科幻小说 未来学 小说 阿瑟·克拉克 英国科幻 斯特普尔顿
人类向何处去 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
在数理看到了对人类本真的探索精神 终归社会会可持续性发展下去,人类的文明!
奥拉夫·斯特普尔顿(Olaf Stapledon),英国科幻代表作家、哲学家。1930年他创作成名作《人类向何处去》,该书获得巨大成功,受到当时著名作家阿诺德·本涅特和J.B.普里斯特利的称赞。其主要作品包括《造星主》《最后的伦敦人》《古怪的约翰》《清醒的世界》等。《科幻小说百科全书》评价称斯特普尔顿对科幻界的影响“很可能仅次于H.G.威尔斯”。2014年,斯特普尔顿入选“科幻奇幻名人堂”。
欧战结束后的380年,初代人类建立第一世界国;约4000万年后,第三代人类诞生,并培育出第四代人类 ,人类从此进入新纪元——人造人时代;第五代人类获得了回溯时间的能力,与此同时,因遭遇天文灾难被迫移民金星;第七代人类获得了飞行的能力,“步行者”与“飞人”之间爆发战争,第八代人类诞生,移民海王星,人类发生退化......在浩瀚的宇宙中,人类文明被一次次推向毁灭的边缘,又在夹缝中寻求一线生机。人类最终会走向何种文明形态,其命运又将何去何从?
★ 英国首相丘吉尔、科幻巨头阿瑟·C.克拉克、诺贝尔奖得主多丽丝·莱辛、文学大师博尔赫斯推崇备至,一本堪称比科幻小说更超前的人类文明史读物。
★ 20亿年,18代人类的文明兴衰,2次星球移民,2次与外星敌人交锋,本书是对关于生命、宇宙、万物未来的全景剖析。
★ 阿瑟·C.克拉克坦言:“我14岁读到这本书时,生活真的被它改变了。我已经讲过多次,我后期的创作深受斯特普尔顿观念的影响。他对未来的描绘令人惊叹不已。”
★美国作家格雷格·贝尔说: “如果你对世上万物的最终结局相当着迷,如果你执迷于思想意识和想象力登峰造极的境界,那么《人类向何处去》正是你所渴望的挑战。”
Trapped in his poor solar system for more than two thousand million years, uprooted by endless calamities over and over again, Man has had to move from planet to planet, undergone physically and mentally unbearable misery, given up all his great achievement...
评分Trapped in his poor solar system for more than two thousand million years, uprooted by endless calamities over and over again, Man has had to move from planet to planet, undergone physically and mentally unbearable misery, given up all his great achievement...
评分Trapped in his poor solar system for more than two thousand million years, uprooted by endless calamities over and over again, Man has had to move from planet to planet, undergone physically and mentally unbearable misery, given up all his great achievement...
评分Trapped in his poor solar system for more than two thousand million years, uprooted by endless calamities over and over again, Man has had to move from planet to planet, undergone physically and mentally unbearable misery, given up all his great achievement...
评分Trapped in his poor solar system for more than two thousand million years, uprooted by endless calamities over and over again, Man has had to move from planet to planet, undergone physically and mentally unbearable misery, given up all his great achievement...
人类向何处去 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025