Here Comes Everybody 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025

Here Comes Everybody

Clay Shirky 作者
Penguin Books
2009-2-24 出版日期
344 页数
GBP 10.23 价格
9780143114949 图书编码

Here Comes Everybody 在线电子书 图书标签: 互联网  社会学  无组织的组织力量  公共领域  Shirky  马化腾  设计与视知觉  计算机   

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Here Comes Everybody 在线电子书 用户评价


一本关于组织、群体行为的书。文笔的确是专栏作家的味道和特点,更像是在读报纸,新闻评论以及博客。后面关于开源系统的讨论有点过于乐观,夸大了social behavior的作用。也似乎没有过多去讨论技术的发展。是一本适合学习英文的不错的读物。


Pony Ma推荐这本书,看了确实对social tool理解更多些。当information sharing, group forming 变得简单再加上有好的promise和bargain的体系设计,社会的潜力无穷


一本关于组织、群体行为的书。文笔的确是专栏作家的味道和特点,更像是在读报纸,新闻评论以及博客。后面关于开源系统的讨论有点过于乐观,夸大了social behavior的作用。也似乎没有过多去讨论技术的发展。是一本适合学习英文的不错的读物。




上个月读的书,一直没来得及整理笔记... 信息时代对大多数人生活方式,思考方式的改变。

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Here Comes Everybody 在线电子书 图书描述

A revelatory examination of how the wildfirelike spread of new forms of social interaction enabled by technology is changing the way humans form groups and exist within them, with profound long-term economic and social effects-for good and for ill

A handful of kite hobbyists scattered around the world find each other online and collaborate on the most radical improvement in kite design in decades. A midwestern professor of Middle Eastern history starts a blog after 9/11 that becomes essential reading for journalists covering the Iraq war. Activists use the Internet and e-mail to bring offensive comments made by Trent Lott and Don Imus to a wide public and hound them from their positions. A few people find that a world-class online encyclopedia created entirely by volunteers and open for editing by anyone, a wiki, is not an impractical idea. Jihadi groups trade inspiration and instruction and showcase terrorist atrocities to the world, entirely online. A wide group of unrelated people swarms to a Web site about the theft of a cell phone and ultimately goads the New York City police to take action, leading to the culprit's arrest.

With accelerating velocity, our age's new technologies of social networking are evolving, and evolving us, into new groups doing new things in new ways, and old and new groups alike doing the old things better and more easily. You don't have to have a MySpace page to know that the times they are a changin'. Hierarchical structures that exist to manage the work of groups are seeing their raisons d'tre swiftly eroded by the rising technological tide. Business models are being destroyed, transformed, born at dizzying speeds, and the larger social impact is profound.

One of the culture's wisest observers of the transformational power of the new forms of tech-enabled social interaction is Clay Shirky, and Here Comes Everybody is his marvelous reckoning with the ramifications of all this on what we do and who we are. Like Lawrence Lessig on the effect of new technology on regimes of cultural creation, Shirky's assessment of the impact of new technology on the nature and use of groups is marvelously broad minded, lucid, and penetrating; it integrates the views of a number of other thinkers across a broad range of disciplines with his own pioneering work to provide a holistic framework for understanding the opportunities and the threats to the existing order that these new, spontaneous networks of social interaction represent. Wikinomics, yes, but also wikigovernment, wikiculture, wikievery imaginable interest group, including the far from savory. A revolution in social organization has commenced, and Clay Shirky is its brilliant chronicler.



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Here Comes Everybody 在线电子书 读后感


很多朋友都在问《人人时代》和《未来是湿的》的区别在哪里?虽然这是《未来是湿的》的修订版,但是做的工作依然不少。恢复了一些曾经避而不谈的话题,今天的读者应该已经准备好了去接受。曾经是引领互联时代潮流,如今是慢下脚步反思。 书名回归本源——人人时代 原书名为He...  




作者:肉唐僧 作者博客 一个非互联网从业人员,如果“有幸”参与或旁听一个以互联网为主题的理论研讨会。比方说,你只是个在会场上倒茶水的服务生,你会发现你完全听不懂这帮家伙在说些什么。呃,我这里有一个让你从自卑感中解脱出来的好办法:你...  


一本是《未来是湿的》、另一本是《新数字秩序的革命》。 我是先看的后一本,是关于分类和排序的一本书。当年读算法和结构的时候就是这种东西,但没想过我们在用这个建构世界。后来想想人脑的记忆和思考模式就是把对象按不同的特点抽象化,那么我们一定是在不自觉的对世界进行...  


书还没看 但是不喜欢这样的书名 有了世界是平的 就有很多这样的类似书名 英文原名不是挺好的吗  

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