E-HR: using intranets to improve the effectiveness of your people 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

E-HR: using intranets to improve the effectiveness of your people

Bryan Hopkins 作者
Gower Publishing, Ltd.
2003 出版日期
227 pages 頁數
US 120 價格
9780566085390 圖書編碼

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E-HR: using intranets to improve the effectiveness of your people 在線電子書 epub 下載 pdf 下載 mobi 下載 txt 下載 2024

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E-HR: using intranets to improve the effectiveness of your people 在線電子書 著者簡介

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E-HR: using intranets to improve the effectiveness of your people 在線電子書 圖書描述

Despite all the hype about e-learning, the real breakthrough in technology, at least as far as HR goes, is in the development of the corporate intranet for people management purposes. Bryan Hopkins' and James Markham's book explains the potential for intranets in every aspect of HR: personnel administration, performance management, employee development, communication and knowledge management, as well as training and e-learning. The book asks and answers the key questions you need to ask yourself and provides case studies illustrating how organizations have successfully exploited their intranet to help their people work more effectively and efficiently. HR managers are under pressure to cut costs, increase the effectiveness and range of the services they deliver. In many organizations there is also considerable pressure to maximize the returns on investment in technology. This book provides you with the means to achieve all of these goals.

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