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The Ravenous Brain

Daniel Bor 作者
Basic Books
2012-8-28 出版日期
352 頁數
USD 27.99 價格
9780465020478 圖書編碼

The Ravenous Brain 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 腦科學  心理學  科普  思維  Psychology  心理自助  ebook  Reductionism-Neurology   

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The Ravenous Brain 在線電子書 用戶評價


All mental illnesses can be reformulated as disorders of consciousness


getting those that never exists into a deep sleeping. those delusions, the poet and the poems. mental gym. it works. it takes time. 配閤食用。


getting those that never exists into a deep sleeping. those delusions, the poet and the poems. mental gym. it works. it takes time. 配閤食用。


getting those that never exists into a deep sleeping. those delusions, the poet and the poems. mental gym. it works. it takes time. 配閤食用。


All mental illnesses can be reformulated as disorders of consciousness

The Ravenous Brain 在線電子書 著者簡介


1997年獲得牛津大學哲學與心理學學士學位,1998年獲得劍橋大學認知神經科學博士學位。博爾一直以來專注於用神經科學的方法研究大腦最復雜的想法及其産生過程,並與英國著名的腦科學專傢阿德裏安•歐文(Adrian Owen)和約翰•鄧肯(John Duncan)在劍橋大學醫學研究理事會認知與大腦科學研究中心一起工作達十餘年。博爾還為英國廣播公司(BBC)和《科學美國人》等撰寫科普文章。《貪婪的大腦:為何人類會無止境地尋求意義》是他的第一本科普暢銷書,上市伊始即獲得《華爾街時報》和《生物學人》等大眾及專業媒體的一緻贊譽,並入選2012年《華爾街時報》專業書評人的最值得閱讀書單。

The Ravenous Brain 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Ravenous Brain 在線電子書 圖書描述

Consciousness is our gateway to experience: it enables us to recognize Van Gogh's starry skies, be enraptured by Beethoven's Fifth, and stand in awe of a snowcapped mountain. Yet consciousness is subjective, personal, and famously difficult to examine: philosophers have for centuries declared this mental entity so mysterious as to be impenetrable to science. In The Ravenous Brain, neuroscientist Daniel Bor departs sharply from this historical view, and builds on the latest research to propose a new model for how consciousness works. Bor argues that this brain-based faculty evolved as an accelerated knowledge gathering tool. Consciousness is effectively an idea factory - that choice mental space dedicated to innovation, a key component of which is the discovery of deep structures within the contents of our awareness. This model explains our brains' ravenous appetite for information - and in particular, its constant search for patterns. Why, for instance, after all our physical needs have been met, do we recreationally solve crossword or Sudoku puzzles? Such behavior may appear biologically wasteful, but, according to Bor, this search for structure can yield immense evolutionary benefits - it led our ancestors to discover fire and farming, pushed modern society to forge ahead in science and technology, and guides each one of us to understand and control the world around us. But the sheer innovative power of human consciousness carries with it the heavy cost of mental fragility. Bor discusses the medical implications of his theory of consciousness, and what it means for the origins and treatment of psychiatric ailments, including attention-deficit disorder, schizophrenia, manic depression, and autism. All mental illnesses, he argues, can be reformulated as disorders of consciousness - a perspective that opens up new avenues of treatment for alleviating mental suffering. A controversial view of consciousness, The Ravenous Brain links cognition to creativity in an ingenious solution to one of science's biggest mysteries.

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The Ravenous Brain 在線電子書 讀後感


都说如果迷茫,就去看书。有段时间,情绪低落,就开始找书看,大脑是怎么运作的。机械工业出版社除了很多类似的书籍,如果感兴趣,可以去翻翻。 整本书以唯物主义的角度,对人类的意识,进行了客观的分析。基本意识和达尔文进化论的意思差不多,为了生存的本能,DNA储...  




意识是大脑的产物,随着知识积累,意识也在发展。意识实际上是一个思想工厂,是经过精心选择的、致力于创新的精神空间。意识的主要任务是发现深层结构。 博尔的意识运作模式解释了我们的大脑为何会贪婪地探寻信息,尤其是那些具有模式的信息。




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