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The Sense of an Ending

Julian Barnes 作者
Jonathan Cape
2011-8-4 出版日期
160 页数
GBP 12.99 价格
9780224094153 图书编码

The Sense of an Ending 在线电子书 图书标签: JulianBarnes  英国  小说  布克奖  英文原版  朱利安·巴恩斯  英国文学  Booker   

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4.5 stars. Barnes is very skillful. It's a thriller and memoir told by an unreliable narrator. A cautionary tale of how history or memory can be deceiving. Superb storytelling and structure. I don't quite like the bleakness though, and being led by Barnes to turn the pages compulsively like a donkey being teased with a carrot.

The Sense of an Ending 在线电子书 著者简介

Julian Patrick Barnes is a contemporary English writer of postmodernism in literature. He has been shortlisted three times for the Man Booker Prize--- Flaubert's Parrot (1984), England, England (1998), and Arthur & George (2005), and won the prize for The Sense of an Ending (2011). He has written crime fiction under the pseudonym Dan Kavanagh.

Following an education at the City of London School and Merton College, Oxford, he worked as a lexicographer for the Oxford English Dictionary. Subsequently, he worked as a literary editor and film critic. He now writes full-time. His brother, Jonathan Barnes, is a philosopher specialized in Ancient Philosophy.

He lived in London with his wife, the literary agent Pat Kavanagh, until her death on 20 October 2008.

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The Sense of an Ending 在线电子书 图书描述

Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2011 Tony Webster and his clique first met Adrian Finn at school. Sex-hungry and book-hungry, they would navigate the girl-less sixth form together, trading in affectations, in-jokes, rumour and wit. Maybe Adrian was a little more serious than the others, certainly more intelligent, but they all swore to stay friends for life. Now Tony is in middle age. He's had a career and a single marriage, a calm divorce. He's certainly never tried to hurt anybody. Memory, though, is imperfect. It can always throw up surprises, as a lawyer's letter is about to prove. The Sense of an Ending is the story of one man coming to terms with the mutable past. Laced with trademark precision, dexterity and insight, it is the work of one of the world's most distinguished writers.

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The Sense of an Ending 在线电子书 读后感


对于英国作家朱利安·巴恩斯(Julian Barnes)而言,2011年是收获颇丰的一年。他先是荣获了具有终身奖性质的“大卫·柯恩英国文学奖”,而后又凭借小说《终结感》(The Sense of an Ending)成功捧得布克奖。这部小说在市场上也有不俗的成绩,在英国问世的最初两个月间,就已经创下...  


besides others * Everyday is Sunday. 多好的墓志铭啊 * Automatically, I ate a chip. Then another. There wasn’t enough salt on them. That’s the disadvantage of fat chips. They have too much potatoey inside. With thin chips, not only is there more crispy o...  


我钦羡那些勇于做自己的人,因为这么做不容易,也不是谁都能做到。 接纳真实的自己一点都不简单,不是谁都愿意去碰自己潜意识的暗流,以及直面这种触碰带来的不安和恐惧。大多人都会选择一种更稳妥和容易的方式来“做自己”,比如美化记忆,不去想潜意识里的暗流。我也这么选择...  



一句题外话,现在书籍的腰封简直是太浮夸了,弄的好像没有个奖项、没有什么名人推荐就不好意思初版了似的。 这本《终结的感觉》,以我现在的年龄看来,可能还没有太多共鸣,但是让我想起一些小事。可能这种经历每个人都有,有些记忆可能是因为愧疚,甚至耻辱,永远不想提起,...  

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